
Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  Just got back from a week's vacation in the mountains.  It was gloriously relaxing, just letting all the nonsense peel away and leaving it behind.  After the quiet, car radio, and bad restaurant sound, I sit tonight in appreciation.  What a joy to be home with my system and my music.  It seems like an extension to the vacation...the cherry on top.  Rhiannon Giddens, Ella Fitzgerald, Tom Verlaine, Elephant Revival, and currently Lee Morgan.  I'm happy!

Showing 1 response by audioman58

Myself having a accident on the ice having two now 2 new discs in my cervical spine with pounding headaches and tinnitus on and off, surgery in 3 weeks ,sheds a new light and perspective on life 
and now a new found appreciation for music,and simpler things I took for granted,for even when I go over to my brothers home and listen to how fantastic his $200 k + Audio system is ,when you don’t have your health nothing ,no matter how good it is can be appreciated to its fullest !!