Audio Mirror Tubadour V - A Few Words of Appreciation

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the Audio Mirror Tubadour DAC V.

I’d been looking for a DAC for a few months. Got Chord Cutest, then Lab12 Reference. Each of them had strong and weak points, but they weren’t exactly something I was looking for.

After that I discovered the AMT. I’d never heard of that company before. The user reviews were positive, there was a 2-weeks return policy, basically there was nothing to lose, and I decided to try it.

It sounded nice at first, but not spectacular, and there was also too much detail and brightness, which triggered my tinnitus. I thought about returning it, but after a while it started to get better day by day.

When I finally integrated it into my main audio system (it was in my bedroom system for break-in purposes) the improvement in sound quality was unmistakable. The richness and clarity it brings to my music have truly elevated my listening experience. Can’t even ask for more.

So, I just wanted to thank Vlad for creating this little joyful high-quality piece, also wanted to thank him for exceptional service. 

Every time I listen to the Tubadour V, I feel great and absolutely satisfied. 

But I gotta mention, that in my case it took quite a while until it got broken-in, and started to sound unbelievably soulful.

Now waiting for its “big brother”, which is mentioned in AM’s website ;)

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I too just just  aquired a Tub V ....The second dac I have experienced in my system. I am still in the earlystages of break in. Immediately noticed a much bigger and robust sound stage. But after was very bass heavy and boomy...made me go hmmm? Now a couple days of break in....not boomy at all and much more detail. I havent had a chance to sit and do critical listening...but I am very optunistic this is the one. 


Yes Vlad is a great guy to work with.

@scp, with this device patience is the key. As a matter of fact I don’t even remember having something that required this kind of long break-in time. In my experience 3 weeks are mandatory, but 4 weeks will do the trick, you won’t recognize the sound, which becomes fluid and smooth. Also, I like the fact there is no drop-in tube equivalent, only the stock Chinese 6Z4 to Soviet-made 6Ц4П-ЕВ, but Chinese one is better. 

@hasmarto I had a chance to listen a lil more in depth. I switched from balanced outputs to single ended...moved a couple of my difuser panels...omg...the holographic imaging is amazing. 

Vlad said I could break in with the amp turned off (tubes) with streamer and dac on  playing  would speed up the break its been on about 4-5 days now with short listening sessions mixed in. I cant imagine  it gets better than this...but I'll take your word.....I  will enjoy the ride.

@scp, you’re not gonna recognize AMT V in a couple of weeks. Vlad knows what he’s doing, so your journey will be well-rewarded. Enjoy the ride!

I should’ve gotten the AMT much sooner, but knew zilch about them. Now I can’t imagine listening to my music without it.

Hi, I am coming from a Denafrips Venus II, Terminator Plus and T + A dac 200(current) DAC...anyone who currently has this DAC have experience with any of the DACs I've mentioned above???...looking for something bit more warmer without losing too much detail. 

mact3333 I cant give you a comparison...but I can tell you the Tubadour should be in consideration. I don't like to call it warmer...but I'd say just has more ear pleasing  texture with all the detail.

I gotta agree with @scp, AMT-V’s sound is not warm, more like organic and enjoyable. The designer has a two-week return policy, which is extendable by request, if I remember correctly. The unit is built like a tank, I’ve been using it for more than a year on a daily basis, for 6-8 hours per day, and no problems so far.