Apartment Drama

Hi- I recently moved from my house to a 2nd floor apt with 1 apt on each side and 1 below. 3pm today I turned my stereo on for the 1st time. Low volume IMO. Hard to describe but no problem having a conversation without even raising my voice. within 10 minutes my neighbor knocked on my door acting irratated demanding I turn the volume down. WTF? Now what. Do I have any rights or do I have to obey this jerk?

Showing 3 responses by mattmiller

I have lived in apartments for over 20 years,all over the country and always with a fine stereo.And whenever this happens I always calmly say that Im sorry about the noise then after I go back inside I turn it up just a little louder so they get the message that I dont care how they feel about my music @3pm or any other time. This will result in 1 of 2 things ...they will stop complaing to you and leave you alone OR they will MOVE! Either way you win. I would not worry about this at all. Play your system!
Good luck trying to find an APARTMENT that is peaceful with well built construction.Most of the time your going to have kids thumping or womans heels on hard surface flooring above you. IMHO anyone who lives in a apartment should expect to put up with all kinds of noises...That's why I have a stereo ..so I don't have to hear all this crap!