Anyone using a LAN isolator?

For those running an Ethernet cable to their streaming solution, whether Raspberry pi, nuc, streamer, etc, anyone using a LAN isolator? If so, what are the benefits and which one are you using? 


Showing 9 responses by lalitk


I enjoyed reading your review on page #3. I can totally relate to your experience, it’s easy to discern the ‘naturalness’ and better separation along with drop in noise from a high quality switch. What was your observation once you grounded the Edison Silent OCXO switch to your Shunyata Everest CGS port? 


Thanks! I was curious as few others have reported positive results by grounding the Ethernet switch.


Try Acoustic Revive RLI-1GB-TripleC isolator and report back your results.


It’s a whole new world - Indeed!

As much I enjoyed spinning vinyl and CD’s, I am done with all that. My digital has transcended both vinyl and CD playback. 


Thanks for your feedback! I wonder if a device like RLT-1 would yield any improvement in front of a switch like Telegartner M12 Gold :-)


Glad to hear you liked the improvements by RLI-1GB-TripleC isolator. Strange as it seems, these devices do enhances our listening pleasure. To what extent or degree; that greatly depends on rest of your system. BTW, your system is a very nice blend of vintage and modern components.


You’re correct, Acoustic Revive did make Schumann Resonator. I own their previous generation resonator, RR-777. Very effective! About eBay counterfeits, no idea brother; I always bought my AR products from a US dealer. The Lotus Group is the US distributor. 


Try both options and see if you can decipher one position over another yields better sound improvement. My recommendation would be to plug the LAN pig tail into streamer and the LAN cable from network switch into ‘isolator’ box.