Anyone Know What's Up With Townshend Audio?

Their site has gone offline and shows as for sale. :(

Facebook page is still active, is Max?

Ag insider logo xs@2xjpdhouston
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Odd that the websites of two of my favorite h-fi companies (Townshend Audio and Eminent Technology) both went down at the same time.
A little research. It was actually 2014. 
From Stereophile:
"Wes Bender is sufficiently tireless and gracious that he has actually visited me here in Cherry Valley; you would think that by now I would have visited his Brooklyn audio salon, Wes Bender Studio NYC—but, sadly, I have not. The next best thing: hearing the system he brought to the Brooklyn show, based around E.A.R. and Zesto electronics—the former including the E.A.R. DAC 4 processor/Acute 4 transport combination ($13,000)—and Marten Getz 2 loudspeakers ($23,500/pair) in their US debut. The system also heralded the return of the Townshend Audio turntable, in the form of the Rock 7 Mk.II with Merlin motor ($5800) and matching Excalibur II tonearm (price TBA). All cabling was by Waveform Fidelity—including their GS Mk.3 speaker cables ($2895/10' pair)—and Stillpoints LLC designed and manufactured the room-treatment panels, loudspeaker footers, and ESS 34" and ESS 42" equipment racks ($8905 and $10,700, respectively). The system was lively, present, and full of believable force..."
I honestly have no idea. It might be on the record of the event. There were tubes and fat cables but I had to run to save my hearing.
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I will say that their room at the NY Audio Show in 2015? was excruciating. I first heard the Rock in the 80s playing The Wall. I'd never heard it so clean with superb bass. This, on the other hand was searingly bright and colorless.
Site seems to be working fine now. Maybe someone just messed up paying the bills!