Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?

In looking at getting a new preamp. I need balanced outputs for new amps. Has anyone heard the new ls28 se? Wondering how it compares to reference 6 or even the 40th anniversary preamp.

Showing 2 responses by soix

@jc51373 Very interesting indeed.  I’ve read lots of superlatives about AGD amps and hold them in the highest regard but haven’t heard anything about their preamp, so consider my interest piqued.  Thanks for sharing. 

@jc51373 Thanks for that very insightful and honest summary.  I get most of it, but I have to say I was surprised that soundstage depth wasn’t great and on par with SS preamps.  That’d be a major disappointment to me and an area where I thought ARC gear (and tubes in general) was strong.  What’s your other equipment, what are your room dimensions, and how far are your speakers from the back wall?  Also, and importantly, what pre are you comparing it to?  Just trying to get a handle on this because it’s a bit disappointing as it is.