Anyone having trouble with Tidal cutting out?

We have been quite happy with Tidal-- we got the fastest internet (100 Mbps) and it was going great until a couple of weeks ago.  It started cutting out.  I have eliminated the streamer (we have two and same thing happens on both), both are hard wired, and the internet tech guy says speed is 100 Mbps +.  I have unplugged everything.  Now I wonder if it is Tidal?  Has Spotify improved its sound? 

What's your location? 
No problems here in rural Alabama. (Knock wood)

This has worked for others experiencing Tidal drop outs:
I had some issues about a yr avowed with Deezer and it turned out to be my router. I have Tidal as well but have yet to experience any drop outs. Have you tried unplugging your router for a few minutes and let everything reset itself? That helped with mine but replacement was the final solution.