Anyone go from GN PH-10 to PH-1000?

Is it worth the upgrade? Sonically what do you get?


I have the PH-10 paired with a Gold Note Mediterraneo.  I have listened to the PH–1000 in a different set up but with comparable (though different) quality of turntable, amplifier and speakers.  Fortunately, I listened to an album with which I am extremely familiar ( Abbey Road), and I felt the PH – 1000 was superior in terms of performance-quieter background, better separation of instruments and smoother presentation.   I do not consider myself an audiophile, so you can take that for what it’s worth. It might be helpful to contact Steve Davis at Analog Matters. He is a Gold Note dealer and extremely knowledgeable about not only the equipment he reps, but audio equipment in general.  (I have no affiliation with him other than being a satisfied customer).