Anyone else tried the FIM Gold series?

I just replaced cables with FIM Gold, and I'm very happy. Has anyone else tried these yet?
Hi Mfontana, once you form the FIM it will stay in place. You might want to use some kind of prop out of your component.
I like what they do but find them to hard to manuver, it's like trying to coil a frozen garden hose. How do you connect them to a light weight componet?
Hi Cornfed, You can purchase them from a number of dealers. Andy Singer has taken on the entire line, he may be a good place to try. The business name is Sound By Singer, located in New York City. (I have NO affiliation). You could also just call FIM for a dealer closest to you. That's all I did.
Hi Brulee, Yes, I have the interconnects and speaker cable, along with the power cables. (All purchased from a local dealer). You think the power cord is good? You just wait ...
Hi Recres, I share your views on the FIM PC and I am not a dealer. Have you tried the FIM IC and speaker cable yet? I will have access to there speaker cable next week. If it is anything like there PC I will be very very happy.
By all means, let's break the rules and discuss me. You all are allowed to break them, but I am not. No, now is not the time for me to post my thoughts on this cable. I am not mature enough to have thoughts on this cable, but am apparently important enough to have Tom delete my reply, again (and not one rule was broken in it). It doesn't matter what I think of these anyway, try them for yourself Cornfed. You'll love how stiff they are.
where are you guys getting all the fim stuff to audition? according to my sources, there is only 1 full-line fim dealer in the us. he's in oregon. the only website where i've found any info on the product is in the netherlands: i heard the prototypes of winston ma's stuff at the golden nugget at the 1999 ces (avalon/classe` suite); the interconnect and cable was roughly the diameter of fire hose and about as supple. as i understand it, it's just now being produced for retail consumption, at prices that would make nbs dealers blush.
No Carl -eber, I am not a dealer, just an audiophile with an open mind and ear. I am new to this site, but have noticed that if someone disagrees with you, Carl, you go into a tirade. That is your choice. Mine is to discuss the strong points of a breakthrough product. I realize that others that have posted here are indeed dealers, but be assured that I have no monetary gain from promoting this wonderful new cable. if you aren't pleased with the FIM, that's fine. But please, let's conduct ourselves as MATURE adults. Let's leave the school yard stuff to the children.
There's Carl: old habits are hard to break? There's Carl: doing what he does best.If you have heard the cables/this is the spot to give your opinion on the product.-Not the spot to attack a fellow poster. I never saw where anyone asked if you were a Res.A/Krell/Mit dealer.
Be more specific in your accusatory demeanor, so that I can better understand what it is that was said to offend. I don't recall asking my classmates if they were dealers on the playground "back in the day", and if I had, I can't imagine that they'd get upset about it. If you are "new" to this site, how is it that you think you know who I am?...or that I am somehow closed minded? I gave my opinion of the cable, and this makes me closed minded? You need to change your attitude, it seems to me...
No Carl -eber, I am not a dealer, just an audiophile with an open mind and ear. I am new to this site, but have noticed that if someone disagrees with you, Carl, you go into a tirade. That is your choice. Mine is to discuss the strong points of a breakthrough product. I realize that others that have posted here are indeed dealers, but be assured that I have no monetary gain from promoting this wonderful new cable. if you aren't pleased with the FIM, that's fine. But please, let's conduct ourselves as MATURE adults. Let's leave the school yard stuff to the children.
Highly recommended! The Gold series may be the "best" cable for most applications. I use and love the Shunyata King Cobra (v1) power cord on my pre-amp, but I'm going to FIM for all of my other components. There are always system dependences, but everyone should try the Gold.
Hi Dolphin, Email me if you like and I will be glad to give you any info you want without any conditions.
Dolphin, based on your feedback, you seem to be a dealer. Convince me that you really care, in particular, what I thought of this power cord, and I'll e-mail you my mini review of it.
Mr Eber, I am interested in these cords as well and I would love to hear your opinion. What exactly was it about their presentation that you did not like? What virtues did you like? Thanks.
I tried the FIM Gold power cord, not my cup of tea. ARE YOU A DEALER FOR FIM CABLES, recres???