Anyone else tried the FIM Gold series?

I just replaced cables with FIM Gold, and I'm very happy. Has anyone else tried these yet?

Showing 4 responses by carl_eber

By all means, let's break the rules and discuss me. You all are allowed to break them, but I am not. No, now is not the time for me to post my thoughts on this cable. I am not mature enough to have thoughts on this cable, but am apparently important enough to have Tom delete my reply, again (and not one rule was broken in it). It doesn't matter what I think of these anyway, try them for yourself Cornfed. You'll love how stiff they are.
I tried the FIM Gold power cord, not my cup of tea. ARE YOU A DEALER FOR FIM CABLES, recres???
Dolphin, based on your feedback, you seem to be a dealer. Convince me that you really care, in particular, what I thought of this power cord, and I'll e-mail you my mini review of it.
Be more specific in your accusatory demeanor, so that I can better understand what it is that was said to offend. I don't recall asking my classmates if they were dealers on the playground "back in the day", and if I had, I can't imagine that they'd get upset about it. If you are "new" to this site, how is it that you think you know who I am?...or that I am somehow closed minded? I gave my opinion of the cable, and this makes me closed minded? You need to change your attitude, it seems to me...