Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw?

After watching videos and reading positive reviews I ordered a pair of Caladans. It’s been 2 weeks and I have never received an email confirmation of sale.  The charge on my cc was from Spatial Audio.  I have called and left VMs twice and also emailed Clayton’s info address. Crickets ! 

Has anyone else experienced this?  I assume he’s extremely busy but I’m getting a little anxious.




I thought that you cancelled your order.


Nope. I was frustrated and that was my plan. Clayton contacted me, as you obviously didn't read. All is good. Have a nice day.


I did read it, but you had sounded so determined, as if you wouldn't change your mind. And yes, I had a fine day, thanks.

@lous Great to hear it all worked out for you. I went through the dispute process as well and have been refunded. I have also reordered (and had a nice conversation with Clayton over the phone the other day), and am expecting my speakers to arrive this month. I feel for the group at CSA as it seems to have been a bit of unfortunate timing in what their transaction partner did to them. I am glad to have that portion behind me and am excited to see the speakers in the flesh soon.


PayPal claimed to have refunded me, but they haven't. I wonder if THEY are in trouble economically? The speakers are supposed to arrive any time now, but I am working 2nd shift and my wife will have to deal with UPS it seems.


Initially, as should be expected, timbre sucks. With little more than 2 hours on them the caps are sounding much better. They sound better than most electronics that will be used to feed them. Obviously the bass will also take time, but my initial impression is Quad ELS57s on massive steroids. Mind you my Quad days were decades back, but if timbre doesn't fully come around, it'll be easy to bypass the tweeter caps with Duelund JDM caps, so I wouldn't lose sleep over it. I am not expecting to need to do that mind you. Like I said, just over 2 hours and they are very immersive, engaging. It's difficult to stay on point, to critically listen. You just want to enjoy them.