Anyon have experience with Moon River Reference 404 Integrated?

Any our Audiogon family here see, feel, operate, hear one of these in the wild or at a dealer?  I'm intrigued by this product. 


yes, 3/4th sounds about right. I would love to have a list of beautiful amps, the same way I collated

But I know so little about amps, I should stay away from it. 

I just heard it when I drove down from Phoenix to Alma Audio in San Diego to demo the Boenicke W8SE speakers (which came home with me). Those loudspeakers are supposed to be fairly current hungry and that amp did a great job driving them. The sound running through that setup produced a nice sized soundstage, super clean top end, mids/vocals were outstanding and the low end was sufficient. Of course they had a nice DAC and nice  cables hooked up as well for my speaker demo but that amp, along with the similarly priced Hegel H400 would both  be on my list in the $7K price point. I thought it was a really nice bit of kit. 

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You might want to check out how the amp measured, noting especially the channel separation and clipping power into 8 and 4 ohm.

Moonriver 404 Reference integrated amplifier Measurements |