Any Vertere Acoustics owners out there that could provide feedback on the Super Grove?

Looking to purchase a Vertere Super Groove Turntable and would love to hear any feedback, experiences or insights on Vertere Acoustics or the Super Grove model. 

Thanks in advance!


Have you received any response to your question? If it isn’t too late, I have owned the SG-1 and now own the RG-1. Let me know and I would be happy to share my very positive experience.


I had never heard of it , but I reviewed the design and am happy to report that it ticks off the most important design features necessary for optimum performance. It is a neutral balance design which means it's VTF will not change with elevation. It has adjustable effective mass. It has fine azimuth adjustment. It's vertical bearing is down at the surface of the record for minimal warp wow. It's cable exits below the the tonearm board and It also looks nicely constructed. The only thing missing is a frictionless magnetic anti skate system. I also prefer single wire cartridge to phono stage termination. The Vertere has a DIN socket. I did not check on the price, but I would put it a around $5-6000 US. It's competition would be the Reed 2G, the Schroder CB, and the Tri Planar. From a design perspective the Vertere is better than the majority of tonearms on the market and certainly worth consideration. I run the Schroder CB because it has all those features plus single cable cartridge to phono stage and magnetic antiskating. The CB's major con is that it does not have a tonearm rest. Frank Schroder thinks they are a tuning fork. Working on a tonearm that is not locked in place is a recipe for disaster. I made my own locking rest.

"Super Grove" - Sir Charles?

When I was a student I had him as a patient at UCH after a heart attack.

I apologize for taking so long to reply. I didn’t see you replying to me.


Vertere is one of the finest turntables on the market today, in my opinion. I have no ties to them other than as a very pleased owner. I have owned a lot of the popular audiophile tables over the years, such as…..Luxman PD-289, Linn LP-12 twice, NAD, Audio Note TT-1, TT-2 Pro, VPI Classic 1, VPI Classic 3, Rega (several models), Vertere SG-1 and now the Vertere RG-1.

I have a good friend who owns a high end store with lots of other options 

like Pierre Lurne, Clearaudio, TechDas, Thales, Thorens, Reed, Mobile Fidelity, Oracle, Trans Rotor, etc. I heard most of the famous idler drives as well and really liked those.

Along the way, I heard cartridges from Denon DL 103 up to the Goldfinger Statement and lots in between. Several MM, but mostly MC cartridges.

What I discovered was that there is a preference for a certain type of sound for everyone, regardless of how much we claim to love a flat response or some other type of sound.

I need an accurate, highly resolving sound that is not analytical.i love to hear all of the instruments including voice, of course and I need to hear the texture of that instrument. 

My preference lead me to the finest suspended tables as there were things that I really enjoy that were missing from the really heavy, suspension less tables. Some of the idler tables came close, but I have been really pleased with how well the Vertere removes so much noise from the vinyl playback experience and how it feels like it is getting very close to the master tape.

I had planned on staying with the SG-1 turntable as it is an amazing turntable that plays with the big boys, but I had a last minute opportunity to upgrade to an RG-1, when an owner upgraded to the Nagra Reference turntable. I am sure that it is amazing, but my RG-1 makes me happy to be home every time that I come home from work. 

What should I play next?! I would not trade for any other table. To each, his or her own. This makes me live music and the tone and texture and vocal intonations and it isn’t analytical.

In summary, I am very happy with it!

