

Responses from parkie

Any Vertere Acoustics owners out there that could provide feedback on the Super Grove?
I apologize for taking so long to reply. I didn’t see you replying to me.   Vertere is one of the finest turntables on the market today, in my opinion. I have no ties to them other than as a very pleased owner. I have owned a lot of the popular ... 
Any Vertere Acoustics owners out there that could provide feedback on the Super Grove?
Have you received any response to your question? If it isn’t too late, I have owned the SG-1 and now own the RG-1. Let me know and I would be happy to share my very positive experience.  
Turntable Upgrade
I think that a Phono preamp upgrade is a good suggestion.  I would look for a used Graham Slee - Era Gold V Phono Preamplifier.  It’s about $900 new, but has been around for years, so you should be able to find one in your price range.  I used one... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Does anyone have recent experience with the Takatsukis?  I have already had two pairs of the Sophia Royal Princess 300Bs die on me, so I am steering clear of the Elrogs for now.Specifically, I would love to hear how the Takatsukis perform in any A... 
Chord QuteHD DAC Review
Thanks for the thoughtful and well written review. I look forward to reading your thoughts on DSD playback.I have the Audiophillio 1 with Pure Power and have always wondered whether the Off Ramp was better as some have claimed. The Off Ramp is 1k ...