Any Tannoy XT8f vs Kef LS50 meta comparisons?

I'm in a smallish room (18x12) and itching to upgrade my speakers. Kind of had my heart set on bookshelf style, and looking at the LS50's... However, a pair of Tannoy XT8f speakers recently became available on local classifieds for half off retail. This would put them at less money than a brand new pair of LS50s and I'm strongly considering them.

Any thoughts or opinions on how these two may compare in my size room?

For reference, I'm running Rogue audio gear, RP1 preamp and stereo 100 amp. 


Showing 1 response by avanti1960

i hated the sound of the 8XTF.
muddy overblown peaky bass
crispy edgy lower treble, 8 in woofer to 1 in tweeter makes for compromises in the crossover frequencies.

i loved the LS50s when i owned them, the Metas are voiced more natural. no brainer for me.