Any owners of Schitt Bifrost 2?

I am in the market for a Schitt Dac. One of the main reasons why I am considering Schitt because they are upgradable.

Question is the Bifrost worth the money ? Or should I buy once and cry once and buy the Yggdrasil .

In the back of mind I am wondering is the Bifrost decent but nothing special like Prima Luma .




I am in the market for a Schitt Dac. One of the main reasons why I am considering Schitt because they are upgradable.

Question is the Bifrost worth the money ? Or should I buy once and cry once and buy the Yggdrasil .

It is probably a better idea to buy once/cry once and get the Yggdrasil.... It is a end game dac for something made in America, though it has been around for some years. The NOS mode on it is the most "ease" and "relaxation" i’ve had on my brain when listening to a very detailed DAC. Not sure why that is... delta sigma results in some doozy that mildly irritates the brain over extended periods. This is my 3rd time owning the Yggdrasil (bought/sold it twice before thinking/convincing myself there was something else better, but, there isn’t..atleast for me).

These semi-illogical or poorly understood things about sound, perception and human biology don’t have anything to do with price. Try some dac that costs ten or twenty times as much and you may end up coming to the same conclusion.

If you have plenty of files, you could also try running/converting them with the Daniel Hertz masterclass software before you feed it to your dac. It may be Mark Levinson’s greatest contribution to audio yet.

I have a Bitfrost 2/64 and I like it a lot. It's somewhat unique use of 4 chips to split the conversion chores allows it to perform way above its price. PS Audio recently came out with a similar architecture.

But it's not end game. I plan to upgrade in the near future but I expect to pay at least 4x the price for something better. That may be a Yggi or something else. 

But there's always something better and costlier. 

I, too, have the Bifrost 2. To me, it sounds great. I have 2 of them and Denafrips. I'm not a dog, so I can't hear everything, so it sounds great to me. Get it, enjoy it.

Using Bifrost 2 as a backup in times of repair or transition. It really sings for the price. Don't buy Yggy unless the DAC is the weak link in your current system.