Any Eversolo Amp F10 owners out there ?

I'm thinking of switching to notably less efficient planar-type speakers from very efficient ones.  My present flea-watt amps won't be able to power the planar's so I was looking for an amplifier not too expensive that could do the job.  I came across the Eversolo Amp F10.  Can anyone out there who owns one please give me their impressions of how it sounds and its capabilities ?  I can't find any reviews on it.  However many of their digital products have received great reviews.  

Thanks !

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Bliss HIFi,

A6 Master, would not recognize McIntosh 8950 DAC via USB immediately after FW update. Worked for almost a year without issue . They blamed the Mac, me, cables, said it was not FW. So I asked for the old FW, denied. They said " it’s dangerous" for me to rollback firmware . I then asked for an RMA if they were so confident it wasn’t FW. They ignored my request. Silence. No further contact. Warranty over.

Dealer offered to swap after telling me he had about 40 with software issues. I thought sticking him with another wasn’t right, I am confident it is FW. He also told me most worked in another environment when tested , further confirmation these guys suck at FW updates. Updates should be cumulative and backwards compatible. Not asking for a lot.

The "fix" was me buying a Coax cable. Hardly a fix. But it works. The fact USB doesn’t work isn’t even the issue. It’s the terrible support. That I can’t forgive.

Terrible customer service, worst I’ve ever experienced in this hobby. When someone chimes into a thread and says how great they are it’s because they haven’t reached out for support ... wait. You will see what I’m talking about.

What’s really frustrating is that it’s my Dad’s. I told him to buy an Innuos or Aurender but he got sucked in by the hype. I can’t tell you how many times I have installed the A6 in my systems and my streamer in his system. It’s a PITA.

He’s 82, how much longer does he have to wait for FW fixes????

So no vote of confidence for Eversoso. Can not recommend



@Soix  Yes...  I was told recently the Sanders amp was designed by Coda by a panel speaker distributor.  

@oddiofyl   One thing I am pretty adamant about is customer service and support.  Nearly everything I have purchased if questions or issues come up, I have had great support.  Pass Labs, Innuos, even Denafrips (support from Vinshine Audio) and Charney Audio have been terrific, speedy and thorough.  Regarding Eversolo, I do hope they get their support/service act together, so prior to purchasing their products, I believe I'll wait and see how things seem to be going into the future. 


After dealing with their lack of support on their streamer I caution anyone interested in the brand.   Not a stand up company .

Dealer offered to swap after telling me he had about 40 with software issues. I thought sticking him with another wasn’t right, I am confident it is FW.

Actually, if the dealer offered you a brand new unit that is my definition of a "stand up company", whether or not you think it will solve your problem.



I have always had great support in this hobby.   I attribute that to buying mostly American brands.   45 plus years and only a handful of problems.  Pretty amazing.   I sold or gave away almost every component in still working condition. 

Companies like Eversolo have no clue about great support.  Nor do they care  They would rather not answer emails and string you along until you have a dead unit and no warranty.  

A smart company would have seen my posts here and other forums along with my comments in their targeted Instagram ads and been proactive about making a happy customer.   Or at least some kind of damage control

I actually stopped visiting one local dealer who tried to sell me on Evesolo, not knowing my experience.   Telling me how great they are, best value , blah blah blah. He had no idea what bad advice he gave me.  Won't be back there anytime soon.   When I see they've dropped the brand maybe  I'll  go back.    That's what a crap brand can do to you as a dealer.    I want nothing to do with that guy because he's drinking the KoolAid.... he basically lied to me.