Any cable suggestions for my Thiel 2.4's?

I'm looking for the best IC,power cables and speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4's. Can aynbody give me their suggestions?
Well that could be anything based on the rest of your system, room, and personal preference, I prefer Alpha Core Goertz MI 2 speaker cables with my Thiel 3.6. For IC's I use MIT reference and stock PC's.
I'll second the Alpha-Core Goertz. Alpha-Core uses Thiels, when the Thiel folks let down their diplomatic guard, they tend to reccommend Alpha-Core then others. Alpha-Core offers a generous free trial period. Do ask for the RC networks, some amps absolutely require them.
On my Thiel CS 2.4, I use the Synergistic Research Tesla Precision Reference SC, Acoustic Ref & Precision Ref IC, & Precision AC, T3 & T2 power cord.

With these cables, I obtain the maximum of my system.
Well I had some cardas quadlink spkr cables running and then bought used straightwire crescendo at a deep discount and would prolly be happy if I'd paid full price.Not really!
Even though it was the final missing link to pure audio bliss it became even more so when I read the thiel manual and actually used a nut driver to tighten down the lugs on the spade connectors.
I have Thiel pcs & ss-1 sub driven by pass pre and amp. I have tried several different cable brands, and presently using Acoustic Zen and Grover Huffman ic's with Grover sc, Transparent and vodoo, and stock pc's. I also use Transparent ultra sc for a change of pace. I think you have to really focus in on what you like and dislike with your set up, and use cables to dial it in. Change 1 at a time. I used to think, stick with one brand, but in my system I am using the Acoustic silver between the cdp and pre and Grover copper from the pre to amp, with excellant results, more air (detail). Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived on the same block. lol