Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?

I rarely see any audiophile talking about streaming audio digital sources from a computer. I understand MacBook can accept native lossless formats form all the various platforms, and it can store unlimited music files in any format, so supposedly it’s the best source, and the digital file is the most purest before it’s fed to the dac. Anyone compared the sound quality of computer vs other audio streamer? 


You can do it all day with mac or windows as long as you use a great external DAC.  Simple as that.'s really no comparison to dedicated, purpose built hardware.

Do you have a CD player? If you do it is a worthwhile exercise to compare the sound of a CD to the streamed equivalent. Just make sure the CD and the strreaming version are the same.

I'm using an ASUS ROG gaming laptop as my streamer and running it through a Berkeley Reference DAC using the Berkeley USB unit. I have a Jay's Audio CD3 MkIII transport. I have compared numerous CDs with their Qobuz counterparts and they sound identical to me. If there is some sort of noise or hash coming out of my PC it isn't enough to be audible on my system with my ears.

Even though they sound the same I'm going to buy a dedicated streamer soon primarily due to the convenience. However, I will be quite surprised if the streamed content actually sounds better than CD.



Moon Mind2 player can be found used for around $1K+

Bryston BDP-3 for around $1.5K but those have been discontinued so the price might start to drop. 

For all those who used computers and say that streamers are better, what DAC did you use in conjunction with computer? Could it be that the DAC in the streamer is better than what you used when using a computer as file source? So what you are hearing is not computer vs streamer, but different DACs.

Also was the computer spinning disc or solid state?

I stand by my "total garbage" indications above. Great ad hominem, BTW. LOL!

Re jitter, the article below suggests that jitter is a red herring in the vast majority of contemporary DACs.,%2C%20but%201.0%25%20at%2010kHz.

Even if you don't like Winer, the question of audibility deserves consideration. Happy to hear other well-informed, data-driven opinion on that matter.