Anti-Cables Level 3

I spent some time tonight comparing my original anti-cables that I've had for 6 months to the new level 3 anti-cables that have about 70 hours on them. As I would have guessed, they have the same basic sonic signature, but the level 3 has the following differences...
- Much improved bass and mid-bass tightness. This is the first thing I noticed.
- I would say the mid-bass has more body to it, but it may be just the tighter low end that's throwing me off. Either way, I like it.
- Midrange is a bit more opened up. Vocals seem to have more space or air around them
- Highs are about the same.

If you already have anti-cables and like them, I would recommend trying the level 3's. If you've tried anti-cables and they didn't fit into your system very well, these aren't going to change your mind.
I use the Clear Day Double Shotguns in my system. They replaced a considerably more expensive (as in three and a half times more expensive) set of cables. With Paul's cables I have finally lost all desire to audition further speaker cables; they just sound right to my ear. Cables, like tubes and tweaks are completely system dependent, so as always, the usual disclaimers apply.
Has anyone tried the Clear Day Double Shotgun cable made by Paul Ladati, or the Clearview Double Helix distributed by Mapleshade internet store??. I auditioned for 3 weeks the less expensive Clear Day Single Wire Silver, but Paul does not have a loaner pair of the double shotgun silver that is a 10 ft or 11 ft pair.

Has any one had the opportunity to compare these three top of the line budget speaker cables.

Sorry to have briefly appropriated your thread Thanks, Jim
I tried them, and found them to need A LOT of break-in time.

So if you've only got 70 hours on them, they will get better.

For the money, I thought they were very good.
There are 4 conductors per set instead of 2. That's the only difference that
I can see.