another rookie question - preamp or or power amp

I have a decent integrated amp ("decent" - to my ears). SS, 50Watts to 8 Ohms. It  has a preamp output. 

I have been looking at used power amps and preamps in the 2-400 dollar range.  

For example: the Parasound 2125 power amp, the Parasound P3

This is an OR question. Which choice will yield a better improvement,

1) if I put a preamp before my integrated so the integrated acts as the power amp

or 2) if I use my integrated as a preamp to a power amp?

It's also a choice to sell my integrated and save up until I can buy both a power amp and a preamp, but obviously I am itching to try one of the above options. 

My room is 15x13 so I am not sure I need a big power amp (big: 100Watts?)



You should save the $400 and continue to add to it. Your room is normal size. My room is the same size. Would I prefer to have a larger room? Absolutely, but we’ve down sized due to retirement. I’d recommend acquiring a system to fit your room rather than simply building a system that doesn’t fit your room.

You can acquire lots of used gear, many at excellent prices if you diligently search. But for me I’d concentrate on saving in order to acquire gear that’s worthy of your room.

@jnovak @unsound 

it seems to be opposing views to me - no preamp vs best preamp but I know the devil is in the details.

Thank you for all the feedback, it gives me a lot of different options and approaches to try!

I would go pre out from your IA, into two Fosi ZA3’s run in Mono mode.  Get the 48V, 5A power supplies.  The two will run you about $300, and I believe you will be majorly delighted with the power and sound quality.  These 3255 chip amps are amazing, and I believe they will be the next big thing in terms of amplification.

i think it is the best idea... And at the lowest price...

It can be possible to even integrate a tube pre-amplifier in these mono amp i think...

The Fosi headphone amplifier i bought for peanuts price , the Fosi sk01 + 3 tone controls is a steal...

It is not chinese junk ... I use a tube low cost pre-amp with it the Douk P2 at peanuts cost too which i use also for my near field active speakers ... Very good sound ...

It seems audio china is no more junk only ...

For a bit higher price than what i paid  ( 60 bucks ) you could have a very good tubes pre-amplifier under 200 bucks ...


I would go pre out from your IA, into two Fosi ZA3’s run in Mono mode. Get the 48V, 5A power supplies. The two will run you about $300, and I believe you will be majorly delighted with the power and sound quality. These 3255 chip amps are amazing, and I believe they will be the next big thing in terms of amplification.

OR for the same $ our intrepid OP could get a GAS Son of Ampzilla and get a nice robust linear power supply vs. SMPS … 48 v or no…

Just my opinion…


The size of the power amp you need has to do with the efficiency of your loudspeakers, how large the room is, how loudly you want to play your music, and how much power your loudspeakers can safely take.

If you can use your existing integrated amp as a preamp, then get a power amp first.  The amp you quote, the Parasound 2125 power amp, is NOT available at $400, so why even talk about it?  There are a number of good value amps at $400 or less on US Audiomart.  Why not go there to look for one?

@coltrane1 yes, several people suggested that. However I went down a path of buying inexpensive stuff that I am now trying to match with a higher quality component. (My wife thinks I am hoarding but I have seen my neighbor's garages.)

It’s a fun journey, I am not in a hurry, I have already been very blessed with hardware offered and loaned to me from generous members here. I could also just sell what I have and buy a better integrated. I never had a preamp so I was curious what it would do (apparently a lot).

At this point I don’t think my budget is the biggest issue, figuring out what would improve my current system is.