Another audio dealer bites the dust

GNP of Pasadena California is closing there doors after 30 years in the high-end business. The owner told me they don't have enough sales to keep the door opened. It's really ashame, they are very nice people and very knowledgeable. I guess the Best buys of the world are the audio future. How sad!
Thanks! for sharing taters. How many competitors does GNP compete against?

Happy Listening!
I've said it many times. Too many of us go to the stores to demo equipment and make up their minds and then order on-line for lower prices. I've tried hard to buy books and equipment from my local stores, because I want the brick and mortar stores to stay. And yes, I am willing to pay more for that service. On line retailers got away with not having to charge state and local taxes and other fees and therefore could charge less, but (here's the bandwagon), you eventually lose in your neighborhoods because the tax dollars that would have been used to pay for Police, Fire, fixing the streets, maintenance, and other services isn't there anymore. it is subtle, but eventually it becomes obvious when it is gone and too late.

As they say, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. I've notices that most of the high end stereo stores in LA that I was familiar with and worked with are no longer around.

"I guess the Best buys of the world are the audio future. How sad!"

Best Buy does not carry enough AUDIO equipment, regardless of quality, to even be considered an audio store. And all the busniess mags I read say their days are numbered as well. On the tax front, Amazon now collects tax here in Texas. That's good news.
I don't know if the Best Buys of the world are responsible or the economy .

The economy is strong where I live and hi-end stores are flourishing and growing in numbers . Always neat to see a new one pop up and go check out some different products and talk to different folks.
there are other reasons for the demise of some audio dealers.

there are plenty of high end dealers in the nyc metro area. it's about economics. having enough capital to start and sustain an operation, keeping control of inventory. and carrying brands that sell. these are within the control of the audio dealer.

an astute dealer chooses the lines he wishes to carry wisely, and can also get better deals , if he can afford to buy in quantity.

it may also be possible that there are manufacturers who choose to go direct. they compete with audio dealers.

the point is there are many reasons for closing a store.

perhaps, consumers are getting smarter and more are deciding that they do not need to patronize retail establishments.

the very existence of the audiogon marketplace provides an alternative to paying retail.
One can't blame the internet for all things, just most things. :-)

Consider that any big box store like a Walmart doesn't pay anywhere near the taxes they should as they bargained away that source of revenue for the honor of being there. Also, all the sales taxes you pay that should go to the city for the services they provide go directly to the shareholders for about the first 5 years, if not more, just for the privilege of having them there, cheapening the community.
I couldn't think of a better model to rape a community and still look legit.

With everyone diving in thinking they're getting that bargain, it's no wonder that more legit audio stores haven't bitten the dust. When one had real choices: that bargain basement crap-o-la soundbar half off for that big screen or a chance to hear something really good, exposing oneself to what the high end has to offer, it gave hope and some footing for the brick and mortar dealer.

All the best,
Minor1, You are still suppose to pay your taxes to your city/state/county when you purchase something online. When you buy something from out of state online they not charge you tax because you are suppose to send the money in yourself. No most do not do this, but it is tax evasion. As for the stores going under, you can blame the high price points for things that have no reason to be marked that high. Look at Wilson Alexandria, I am fairly positive that it costs wilson less overhead to build his speakers than to build my home. This can be aimed at cables, electronics....If the only way people can receive the worth of a product is to buy it online or used thats what they will do.
Harri009: I actually laughed when I read your post. I agree with your assessment of the Wilson Speakers. Wow! However I stay firmly rooted to my believe that an object, house, piece of equipment, car, etc. is worth what a person is willing to pay for it. Wilson did a calculation and discovered that there are potential customers willing to pay stupidly high amounts for their products. Same for Boulder and others. I'm not a big fan of Wilson products, however, that does not mean they are quality products. But, I know that manufacturers pressure dealers into carrying not only their mid priced products but their ultra high priced products also. I'm not sure of the financing situation with dealers, in that do they have to pay all the costs up-front or finance or short term lease from the manufacturer? interesting. but, the out-of-pocket costs, overheads, etc. how long the product sits in the show room before it is sold all factor into this business. Also, really important is how much mark up the dealer is either forced to add to the product's price or what they just simply do themselves. I've noticed over the decades my favorite store go from high end products only to mid fi/low high end products and high end products and then add home theater products (both high end and mid fi/low high end) just to stay in business. but to stay in business, unless the product's price is set at the factory and can't be changed, the dealer must be willing to dance a little on the price.


I meant to write " that does not mean that they are not quality products" Sorry Wilson.
the importance of audio dealers is probably exaggerated. most hobbyists can acquire the learning they need to make intelligent choices, without seeking dealer advice.

a dealer is a like a car salesman. both try to persuade the consumer to buy.
Markpao , Alberta Canada .

Having quality local dealers is very important to me , as I can bring home all the gear i want , to try in my own system without cost . I can't imagine buying gear any other way . Buying off the net to get a good price is fine but your shooting in the dark if you believe in system synergy , or even personal preference for that matter .
hi rmssorosk:

if you buy direct, there is usually a home trial period. there are many good products sold on the net bu designers who do not have a dealer network. case in point is decware.

i'm not sure but you can buy oppo from the company, but there may or may not be a 30 day returnmpolicy.

what about nuforce ??