Another Audio Alchemy DDE 3.0 Mod - Help Kal R?

I need help!
I would like to defeat the 6db non-HDCD signal attenuation on the PM HDCD filter chip in my Audio Alchemy DDE 3.0. I uderstand that you have to lift pin 19 from the socket and ground it to pin 21, but I have no idea how to find pins 19 and 21. There are no dots to indicate pin numbers on this chip. I do have pics I can e-mail to anyone who could help.

If you don't get help here go to Audioreview discussion forum. Maxxwire has this setup. Or else Audioasylum.

Just joking my friend.

You have to admit it looked funny making a reappearance after 16 years when you said you would be responding when you got home!

Whatever, good to have you back from wherever....
I took a vacation from Audiogon.  When I stumbled on my prior post, I could not resist replying.