Ann Arbor, MI.

Just joined Audiogon this week. Posted a note to see if there was any interest from other "audio lunatics" in S.E. Michigan in getting together in some form or other before I became a member. Did get a few responses. Did see a post concerning the existence of a club called the "Michigan Woofer & Tweeter Society" but the link to it did not work and a web search produced unless anyone out there knows how to contct these folks I would be interested in helping to start some sort of a audio club in this area.....
So if anyone is interested out there around S.E. Michigan please send me your e-mail address and at least your first name & last initial and I will start a database and get in contact with those who respond via e-mail say at the end of Jan 2004 and let everyone know how many are interested and if it's worth trying to arrange a meeting somewhere....

Greg in Ann Arbor, MI.
Would like more information on club activities.
Any speaker designers/builders?
I am a new member residing in Detroit proper. Would like to keep updated on local events or gatherings in the area.
I belong to The local SMAC coverng SE Michigan. Jeff Mathers organizes it if interested please email him for more information:
Northern Monroe County- Berlin Township.
Is the Ann Arbor club still active?