Clean records are a MUST if you want to avoid wear. Clean records can be played back thousands of times without degradation-- this HAS been studies-- so long as your turntable is setup right and your stylus is kept scrupulously clean.
New vinyl IS NOT NATURALLY CLEAN-- it must be cleaned to set a baseline as you have NO IDEA whether or not is actually clean-- even if it appears to when you examine it.
I've never seen this "black dust" and I use a USB microscope to examine my stylus. It's just more audiophile booshwa.
Practice good vinyl hygiene and your records will last many generations.
New vinyl IS NOT NATURALLY CLEAN-- it must be cleaned to set a baseline as you have NO IDEA whether or not is actually clean-- even if it appears to when you examine it.
I've never seen this "black dust" and I use a USB microscope to examine my stylus. It's just more audiophile booshwa.
Practice good vinyl hygiene and your records will last many generations.