Amps for B&W 805 Diamond: Rogue Audio or Krell, Pass labs, ML, Accuphase

I had 2 choices for my B&W 805 D2 speakers: 

- Rogue Audio Medusa

- Krell KSA 100s

Also I was advised for Pass Labs X150, ML 252, Accuphase 530. Could you help to advise which one will be best suited for the speakers. Thx so much.


Showing 2 responses by avanti1960

McIntosh pairs excellently with the B&W diamonds.  The newer Macs are not reserved or rolled off but smooth enough to give your speakers the ultimate in resolution with none of the excessive artificial brightness.  Heard this pairing many times and also Mac with even brighter speakers like Klipsch Heritage and they sounded like a winner every time.  Mac and Harbeth? Not so much but with the diamonds the system shines.  


Buy as new as possible- 10 years old max.  The hybrid amps (252, 352) sound excellent and do work well with the 805d.  I would avoid their entry level amplifier.