Amplifier warm up

I was plalying Boz Scaggs, "Silk Degrees" LP.  After side one, I ate dinner.  One hour later I played side 2.  The second side sounded clearer, more vibrant with better sound stage. I have a Parasound P6 preamp and Parasound Halo A21+ amp.  Is it possible that an hour of warm up improved performance?

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It's certainly been my experience that noisy AC lines are a culprit for variability in sonics along with warm up time.  With all my gear over the years 1 hr seems to do it for warm up benefits...more just doesn't help much for my ears.  But the time of day has huge sonic swings and compelled me to eventually get a PS Audio Power Regenerator.  It even measures the distortion coming into the unit and I can see it go from more than 4% THD during peak area usage periods down to 2% late at night or very early in the morning.  With the regenerator the output is consistently below 0.1% THD which has seriously enhanced my listening experience.  Plus it regulates the voltage to a consistent 120V....otherwise mine fluctuates 118-123V otherwise throughout the day.