Amp questions

Just got my tax returns looking to buy new amp I was considering a krell ksa100 and a melos triode tube amp to drive a set of MG3a's I know the krell wont have a problem but has anyone used the Melos or other tube amps like this one on Maggies and what were the results TIA Pete
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a bit odd to that your trying to decide between ss Krell and a Melos Triode tube amp. You might want to consider that these vintage Krells might be due for some new caps and a re-bias. Something that might not be inexpensive.
I don't give them anything I work for my self and when I end up with a loss at the end of the year they pay me. Also found out about a local set of KMA 100 mk2 that might be for sale ???
I used both a Krell KSA50s and an ARC VT130SE briefly w/Maggie 3.5s some years back. Both worked quite well, although my SPLs were always modest due to sensitive neighbors in my building. Therefore, I can't really report on how well either of these matches works when the system is cranked.


If you go with Krell, keep in mind that the unit probably will need new capacitors.
It also runs hot.
Between the two, I'd go with the Krell. It's an oldie but goodie and I've heard it; sounds quite good. Also, it's built like a tank, if you ever need service you shouldn't have a problem then down the road, if you decide to sell it, you'll probably get close to what you paid for it.

As for the Melos, I have two friends who've owned their gear and both had ongoing problems. One finally gave up and just mothballed his unit. Resale will never be as good as a Krell and you'll probably have a hard time unloading it down the road.
03-11-11: Buconero117
Why would you give the government an interest free loan? Change your withholding and you can enjoy your next purchase sooner.
Buconero117 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Because people manage their finances differently.
One man's interest free loan is another man's new amp.
You are right, but Taki wouldn't have had that income in a lump sum like he will now, and in these times, not much difference if it was placed in a passbook savings account.
Why would you give the government an interest free loan? Change your withholding and you can enjoy your next purchase sooner.
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