Amp for JBL 250 Ti

I'm about to purchase a nice mint pair of 250 Ti's in black piano lacquer. What's the perfect amlifier companion for them? They love power don't they? I'm looking for a huge, powerful dynamic sound with BIG BASS and smooth highs. The room is aprox. 40 sq. meters.
the Krell will for sure drive it and give it an authority, but the McIntosh is the best overall balance sound for the JBL.....hard to say why.....
Well, I had to abandon my idea of goin' Mac since the McIntosh prices here in Moscow are ridiculous even with all the discounts that I can get. I'm picking up a used Electrocompaniet Nemo (600/1200/2400 watt top monoblocks) with 4.8 preamp as well as Electrocompaniet EMC-1 UP CD player for less money than McIntosh MC452/C2300/MCD500 combo would cost me. And if one day I'm not happy with my JBLs and want to switch back to B&W I can just get 800 Diamond and don't worry about the amplification one bit since Nemos can drive ANYTHING on this Earth.
I think you are just worrying too much, the 250ti isn't a particularly hard speaker to drive. I had a pair for years and drove them with a Sansui G-9700, PS200/400 Crowns, Carver M1.5T, Pass XA30.5, XA60.5, and X260.5 plus probably some stuff I'm forgetting.
Fm acoustics fm-811, reyaudio, mc2 mc-1250, mc2 mc-750, electrocompaniet the very old version, all are better than the choices above mentioned.
To be honest my experience with mcintosh amps is not that good. I heard them at shows a couple of times and one time I visited someone who had a pair of mac mono blocks. They all sounded warm and veiled to me. A bit like older tube amps. The audiophile I was visiting has a ML 380S pre amp and mac mono blocks. But the sound was so dull and lifeless. I was there to buy his speakers, and when I hooked up my own amp a mere 100watt integrated amp the speakers came alive and there was music.

Now maybe I just heard some badly match systems but while I like the mac looks I don't think I will ever consider buying a mac amp.