
Discussions rademaker has started

Ram bux amplifiers are they audiophile ?18851
EAD T-8000 how good is it as a CD transport ?38431
Cello R-dac users which cd transport are you using31250
What is the best sounding QSC power amp50795
King of the Non oversampling DAC's? Lavry /Kondo ?986220
Did anybody tried PKN amplifiers ?17450
Lexicon MC12B VS Mark Levinson NO.4070495
Differences between CEC TL-0 & Burmster 969 ?24150
Esoteric PS-0, Metronome Kalista, Burmester 969 ?1179412
How good are the Sony APM speakers ?240757
Infinity Renaissance 90 or JBL 4425 ?46763
JBL 4425 or Yamaha NS-1000 ? pls vote1427510
JBL 250 TI or JBL 4425 please vote1399814
JBL ti-250 which version was the best one ?49863
Infinity Renaissance 90 or Apogee Scintilla ?803648