Amazon HD Lower Price

Amazon has lowered it's price $5.00 for it's HD service to 7.99 for prime users. With Apple also now offering a HD service the competition is heating up. Will Tidal and Qobus follow and lower their prices? 

Showing 3 responses by gdaddy1

Apple did more than just enter the streaming music market. They are introducing, in June, a disruptive technology called 'Spatial Audio' in addition to 'lossless' for no extra charge. This is for headphone/earbud users and the effect is amazing. It can only be enjoyed using their own proprietary chip set that encodes the Dolby Atmos signal.

I have listened to music through my Apple Airpods and I can tell you the effect is like nothing I ever heard. You know how headphones put the music inside your head? Spatial audio takes the music outside your head. The lead singer is now standing out in front of you. The location of other band members is clearly defined around you. Sound is NOT coming out of the head phones instead it's coming from it's recorded location. Holographic imaging on steroids. The effect is completely different and it's REALLY good!

Live events are incredible. It sounds...Live! The band out in front, clearly defined with ambient sound coming from ANY direction around you. You can hear voices or applause coming from behind you. You're at the performance and no longer is the music inside your head. It's out where it belongs.

The mixing process uses more microphones to achieve the desired effect.

THIS IS A GAME CHANGER and takes the music experience to a new level. Amazon has 3-D audio also (but requires their own proprietary software and hardware). So the industry seems to be supportive but Apple, using Dolby Atmos, is a powerful force to compete against. 

This is why Amazon and others have lowered their prices. 

In order to experience 'Spatial Audio'. This means you need an I-phone with IOS 14.6.  and an Apple device using either the H-1 or W-1 chip.

Important to understand... in order to experience Apples new 'Lossless' music at high resolution it will still require using a DAC. You don't get the HD quality when streaming on Bluetooth. (320kps) So, the Spatial audio is actually streamed at a lower resolution.

Here's the question... which sounds better? Lossless music through a DAC at 24bit @48 kHz or even as high as 196kHz OR "Spatial Audio" at a lower resolution?  IMO... The sound of the standard rate Spatial audio is a whole new listening experience and is far. 

So... for $9.99 a month I'll use Apple lossless on my main system and regular headphones using a DAC. For the immersive experience I'll use my Airpods for the spatial effect. More toys = more better!

Tidal or any of the other music services can't give me all advancements that Apple offers. Amazon, my current service, did give me a discount yesterday that equals that of Apple. However, Amazon doesn't have the Spatial Audio for my Airpods that I'd get included with Apple music.

Dyson 2004

"When Apple roll out their HD service in June, how do I stream their music through my external DAC? Their Apple TV box doesn’t have any digital outs except HDMI. I can’t think of a way to do it."

You need to hard wire a streamer to your DAC. I use a lap top to run the Music app then USB to the DAC. Wireless Bluetooth does NOT support HD music streaming.