Am I nuts or what? Apple TV

By sheer luck, I have been given the opportunity to acquire an unbelievable system on a barter deal. I am getting Martin Logan Summit speakers, Jeff Rowland Model 312 amp, BAT Rex preamp, Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner, and an assortment of Nordost Valhalla interconnects and power cords. Since I am totally new to the audiophile scene, I'm not sure I understand just how good this system may be. I assume that all the components would be termed "Class A" under a Stereophile type rating.

I need to buy a transport system. I have purchased an Apple TV and am considering the Eastern Electric Tube DAC. Am I just stupid to try and use those components with the above described system?

Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by rwwear

Apple has cut the price of the Apple TV due to heavy competition and poor sales and reviews. It will be interesting to see how they have improved it and how well it will compare with Google TV.