Great system. The Apple TV will not be a bottleneck. 99% of audiophile opinion is based on BELIEFS, not facts.
Am I nuts or what? Apple TV
By sheer luck, I have been given the opportunity to acquire an unbelievable system on a barter deal. I am getting Martin Logan Summit speakers, Jeff Rowland Model 312 amp, BAT Rex preamp, Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner, and an assortment of Nordost Valhalla interconnects and power cords. Since I am totally new to the audiophile scene, I'm not sure I understand just how good this system may be. I assume that all the components would be termed "Class A" under a Stereophile type rating.
I need to buy a transport system. I have purchased an Apple TV and am considering the Eastern Electric Tube DAC. Am I just stupid to try and use those components with the above described system?
Thanks for your input.
I need to buy a transport system. I have purchased an Apple TV and am considering the Eastern Electric Tube DAC. Am I just stupid to try and use those components with the above described system?
Thanks for your input.