Advice on....Snake Oil

So, I get it. You purchase something and other claim it's snake oil. Or they purchase snake oil and you lay claim to the adage. 

My one question,

What is the general consensus a reputable brand would spend considerable time, resources and finances to create a product that is or what some would call "snake oil". 

My belief is that a lot of brands (PS Audio, Isoacoustics, Audioquest) would probably better spend their time developing and creating an impact rather than making a questionable product. Any dialogue to be had or am I off base?
I think my analogy held up as good as comparing an LP cutting lathe to an amp.
You might think so, but in reality it does not. Its obvious that a lathe will need to be vibration free. It should also be obvious that a vacuum tube needs to be vibration free as well. Two things in audio that need to be vibration free. Your analogy really tried to make it something other.

Snake oil is not going to be measurable- and the effect of removing vibration from audio gear that is sensitive to vibration will be. However just to be clear, I've tried to point out to people many times that wire and fuses are not directional- I'm sure you would not be surprised at all at how much guff you have to take for such a simple obvious thing. I'm with you on most of this stuff; my participation here was simply to point out that vibration control isn't snake oil. I like to be able to prove things with measurements; the trick is solving how to do it. 

Wow - massive profits!
Yes massive. can't see that? And what/who are you protecting, in an incognito way?

See the forest for the trees and wake up, this industry is rife with snake oil.!!
BTW As usual with most snake oil threads I can see this thread getting either removed or sent to the garbage forum.
Which is something you excel at, boasted about, and continue to do.

Some suffers from the Messiah complex...

It is not always a big damage inflicted on humanity when someone want to save humanity against its will at all costs...

But not always, imagine one of this little messiah with power and money....Imagine the scale and the level at which his obsession will grow ....You dont have to go very far to see what i means and discover some example of that in the news today...

Here the little messiah are  the "enlightened" one by their homemade version of science also...On the big stage of the world the same drama play....

Pathetic.... Ridiculous.... But finally boring.....Boring in an audio thread for sure....Not boring in the news for sure...