Advice on Phono Setup

After many years I am returning to analog. I have a Thorens 321 MKII with a Sumiko arm. I need a new cartridge and phono pre-amp. The rest of my system includes Vandersteen 2CEs (with a Vandy sub), an Aragon Soundstage and an Aragon 8008x3 amp.

I would be willing spend as much as $1500 on the cartridge and pre-amp. Some of the things that have been suggested to my by a local place are a Goldring cartridge, a Linn Adikt cartridge and a Rogue Stealth pre.

Any thoughts or recommendations? I am open to purchasing a used pre.
I used a Goldring Eroica H with a Rogue stealth pre about 1 month ago. I used this for about 10 months. At first I liked it. It was okay. But I wasn't satisfied, I knew it could be better. I have now changed my entire analog setup. Along with changing my TT. I am now using a Grado Reference Sonata. Purchase about $400 anywhere. And for a pre I switched to the Graham Slee Era Gold mk V. HUGE improvements. HUGE!!
Although, the guy I sold my Rogue to is perfectly happy. So to each his own. I suggest that you go to your local place and demo as many options as possible.
You might give Jay at Audio Revelation a call for his recommendation. I purchased a Music Maker II from him here on Audiogon and the cartridge is stunning. It combines the best of the moving magnets w/the best of moving coils for an audio treat. Good luck.