Advice on phono pre

Looking to upgrade my phono section, and seeking some guidance.
Have a VPI HW jr, TNT platter, SAMA, SDS, JMW 10 with a New Zepher 2 cartridge.
I'm considering the Parasound JC3+ and the LKV 2-SB, at the moment.
Any suggestions/guidance as to a preference and why?
Looking to get a VPI Prime very soon , if that would make a difference.
Currently using a Simaudio LP3.5.
Heck I promote my products all the time on this forum. But I get away with it for the simple reason that I am careful to also offer useful information and keep my mouth shut when I can't. I also happen to walk the talk that I give and I do feel that we make a pretty decent phono section. I like records a lot and even have my own LP mastering operation, so you could say I'm in for a penny in for a pound sort of thing.

I do try to avoid direct comparisons of our gear with that of competition. I think if a manufacturer is careful about that sort of thing then its no worries if he is active on the forum, as long as he is not actively trolling.
Well, there is no doubt whatever about the passion members of this forum have, that's for sure!..Think it's time we all took a "Time out" , as mom used to say to my brothers and I when things got a bit intense!!
I do appreciate he ideas put forward, and don't have a problem with the suggestion of Peter's phono stage. As a newer manufacturer I'm sure it's tough to get the word out , as there are so many offerings, so to me it's ok.
Everyone has an opinion on this , and I think it's been aired well.

There are so many people developing electronics now, and many no doubt do so extremely well, that I'd prefer to see them encouraged . Maybe the next "Ralph" is just around the corner!.
And we'd be denied the chance for him/her to get to market, as well as having their talent quashed by simply not being "found".

Anyway, the search continues...sometimes the hunt is the best part!.
Thanks , all.