Advice on an external Phono stage

Can anyone offer any advice on choosing a phono stage? It needs to be easy to switch back & forth between MM and MC.

Current setup is as follows:
KEF R700 Speakers
Cary Audio SA-200.2 Power Amplifier
Supratek Chardonnay Pre-Amp
(tubes are N.O.S. Mullard GZ34 rectifier, RCA 6SN7's and Westinghouse 7581A's)
Garrard 301 turntable 
Thomas Schick 12" tonearm
Cartridges are a Zu Audio enhanced Denon 103 (ZU/DL MK.II), a Ortofon Mono MM and an Ortofon 78.

Any and all reccomendations welcomed!


Yes, Albert Porter in Dallas advertises here on Audiogon, I have had two friends buy their 1201s from him and he gave them both very good prices. I personally own the H1500 se II that I purchased used here on Audiogon a few years ago and love it. Good luck.

I love everything I am reading about these Allnic phono stages. Is there a distributor you reccomend in America?

Jared, no experience with it but possibly the iPhono 2 may be the least expensive phono stage offering variable EQ.  You can see it here -  Also, Michael Fremer may have reviewed it.  

Others are available, reaching upward into 5-figures, depending on what your budget allows.
Depending on your budget, one of the Allnic phono stages, 1201 @ around $2,500.00, H1500 @ around $5,200.00 or the H3000 @ around $12,000.00 and if these are all out of budget look for a used Allnic 1200 @ around $800.00. You might say I am an Allnic fan.
Correct pryso, Zu Audio lists the output at "about 0.3mV". Thanks for the recommendation. Any specific thoughts on multiple EQ?

Jared, I haven't auditioned current products to offer suggestions but the match with your cartridges will be the most important.  So look for adequate gain with the MC setting (isn't the Denon output 0.3?), various loading options, and a stereo/mono switch would be nice if your Supratek doesn't include one.  If you are really critical then multiple EQ can be helpful with older monos (not all were RIAA) and likely all 78s.  That can suggest parameters to look for.