Adding a second sub

I have a pair of NHT 1.5 that I also run a NHT SA-2 Amplifier and a SW-2pi Subwoofer.I was wanting to know if I could run a second NHT SA-2 Amplifier and a SW-2pi Subwoofer.I am using a Yamaha RX-V2400 reciever.

before you spend money on a sub, get you a good pre/amp or int. amp...i am not kicking your receiver around, but you will be better spending money on upgrading your amp/ or source before it ever gets to your speaker sub combo....source is so important.....think equally in money vs. each peice of should be doesn't always say equal, but most of the time it does...hope you understand what i am saying..good listening..dwhitt
Sorry Dwhitt...the additional sub would be most a matter of fact 4 subs would be even more so. It evens the lows, adds more realism with less effort, etc., etc.
stringreen, what do you do? use a equalizer, push all the lows up and pull all the mid and high down, i understand, you don't understand music, all you know is bottom end...boy , you are very helpful to someone who wants to enjoy music and etc...but by all means...stringreen, get yourself some 15 and 20 in and mount them into your walls...that would even be better....enjoy the music guys...i really enjoyed that....some people are just so very knowledgeable...dwhitt
Well what I am thinking is that I have been looking for a set of NHT 2.5I or 2.9 to no avail.I could just use the subs as a bottom end to the 1.5's and have basicly a 2.5 speaker.
>>some people are just so very knowledgeable...dwhitt<<

And some aren't as evidenced by your posts.

It is seldom a good idea to spend equal amounts on each component.

Actually, a disproportionate percentage of available funds should be spent on speakers. Perhaps as much as 50%.

Your recommendation is fraught with bad information and inexperience.
I suggest you do some reading of existing topics on this Forum before displaying your ignorance?
There are posters here who actually know something about what they write.
glad this is going so well, i know, i must admit, i am such an ignorant one, as shown by your responses, a wise man once said....i suggest you do some reading of existing topics on this forum before displaying your ignorance? that is real good halcro, you might want to check out your ears, just because you are smart doesn't mean you are right..dwhitt
Dwhitt, Consider that your post gave unasked for advise that had nothing to do with the question, denegraded the posters equipment, AND was not responsive in any manner. Try to be helpful next time out, not just an audio oracle.

You could have said "Yes, you could probably connect two sub systems by simply splitting the signal from its source between the two sub systems (the reciever?) using a pair of 'Y' IC's. If your signal is coming from the speakers though, I'm not so sure and you might like to ask the manufacturer."

At least that is what I would have done. Oh, I guess I did, didn't I. :-)

And I would add, that the obtaining a second sub might help smooth out the bass because you would have a lot more flexibility of placement of the subs to compensate for room problems than just having one to achieve that. You could flatten out nodes, fill in nulls, have better sounding bass, but would not really get bigger bass SPL's other than the doubling of SPL's (i.e. 3db) by adding a seperate identical sub.

But I'm Newbee, what the hell do I know. Get a loan and buy a lot of new expensive equipment so you can learn to deal with more expensive problems! :-)
Gentleman,Gentleman,I thought the whole point in posting something on a forum thread is to found out information that you didn't know.If you guys want to go back and forth please start your own thread and stop whoring mine up.
"......whoring up mine". Just goes to show than no good deed goes unpunished. Did I actually answer your question for you? Did anything good come out of my post at all? And, if my post actually answered your question what is your point?

BTW, FWIW, advise is always free here from volunteers, even if it comes in a painful to read format sometimes. Be happy, it didn't cost you anything, except some patience perhaps. :-)
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The SW2Si, when combined with the NHT SA-2 monaural subwoofer ampli-fier, comprises the NHT SW2Pi Powered Subwoofer System. For a flatter overall low frequency response and increased clarity,two SW2Si subwoofers may be connected in parallel to the NHT SA-2 subwoofer amplifier, which is designed with enough highcurrent capability to drive two subwoofers (for more power, you may substitute the SA-3 amplifier). Alternately, you can use anexternal crossover and a monaural amplifier of your choice to create your own powered subwoofer system
This is what i needed.

Good question. I am adding a second sub HT system using a Rotel 965 receiver. I am planning on running another pair of cables from the speaker terminals to the high level inputs on the subs.

Upscale Audio recommends this connection type on their website. Anyone try this with 2 subs? Will it place a heavier load on the receiver? Thoughts?

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Well right now I have my nht 1.5 running to the reciever and I am using the line level connection on the sub amp to the sub connection on the reciever.Then I'm using the subwoofer out on the sub amp to connected the sub to the amp.
Here is the link to the sub amp I have
I would like to use the left 1.5 speaker and the sw2pi subwoofer system and kinda of a 3way component speaker.With the top have of the speaker(1.5)and the bottom have (sw2pi).Then do the same for the other side.I just think it would be easier to find anothe amp and sub rather than going to a 2.5I set up.BTW thanks for your helps guys!!!
I just tried to pull up the nhthifi link. No luck, but I did visit their current site. Again, no luck, re the products you mentioned, but they did have some sub systems which give me a fair idea of what they have.

You apparently want to have a left channel w/left channel sub and a right channel w/a right channel sub. Correct?

This is easy (or should be anyway) to do. Take your left sub line out IC from your reciever to the left sub line in on the sub and adjust the crossover and volume balance on the sub to your pleasure. Take the right sub line-out IC to your 2d sub and make your crossover and volume adjustments as identically as possible so you don't get channel imbalance.
Keep your crossover point as low as possible. Each sub may have provision for both left and right channel IC's. I believe it is safe to ignore one of them them and only use the appropriate one. These inputs are more likely than not blending anyway. But, if I'm wrong (and I'm unlikely ever wrong!) you can just add the 'Y' splitter and a second set of IC's as provided in the NHT manual, so there is nothing to be lost.

This should work but although I didn't find anything specific to your stuff on the NHT site, I did pull up the manual of the Ten sub and the diagram on it confirms (for me anyway) that my suggested hook up will work.

The 2d sub hook-up you have described does not provide for seperating the channels, you are just spreading the subs output about to smooth out bass response.

FWIW IMHO if you keep the crossover low enuf all of the sub(s) output will be monophonic, as it should be, and there will be little difference.
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Bob, Thirsty93 is lucky to have someone available with your knowledge of the operation of his reveiver. I'm amazed about the operation of the LFE output. I've never had a complex receiver and this is all new to me. You can actually electronically insert a crossover into the circuit at that point. Amazing! :-) Certainly makes it simple to incorporate a sub (or 2).

Question - Do you think this method is optimum, or just more convenient? I would have have thought that sonically it might be better to take out signals from a Line Level out, run the satelites full range, and set the cross over to blend the sub with the bottom end of the satelite, thereby minimizing the effect of the subs incursion into the upper frequencies, assuming of course that the subs are being located in areas of the room to smooth out bass response etc, not necessarily in the immediate area of the satelites. And, where did you find a diagram or manual for the SA2 - I couldn't find one anywhere. Interesting........
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(I would have have thought that sonically it might be better to take out signals from a Line Level out, run the satelites full range, and set the cross over to blend the sub with the bottom end of the satelite, thereby minimizing the effect of the subs incursion into the upper frequencies, assuming of course that the subs are being located in areas of the room to smooth out bass response etc, not necessarily in the immediate area of the satelites)This is how i use mine in the current config.
Are you saying it would be better to run the 1.5's as satilites?
Thirsty93, Whether you run the 1.5's full range with the subs just added to the bottom of the range or use the 1.5's as satelites with the subs taking over all of the mid and deep bass duties depends a lot on the speakers being used, the crossovers being used, and in your case where you are placing the sub woofer(s).

I find nothing wrong with Bob's opinion. Either methodology works and each is dependent on many varibles including equipment and personal preferences. I think it is hard to blend subs and satelites properly - there is a lot of stuff to be considered if you are fussy and want to get it 'right'. Most satelites have some bass response and, typically, all one 'needs' to do is agument it.

With the right (matching) speakers and a crossover with great flexibility including not only cross over points but slopes it can be done perfectly, well almost anyway. Afterall that is what a manufacturer of a full range speaker has done. But, FWIW, the road to audio hell has been paved by folks who have high quality speakers and have tried to match them with subs using crossovers which had insufficient slope or low enuf cross over points, not to mention what distortions might be added by more electronics, IC's, etc put into the signal path to the main speakers.

For example, an 80hz crossover point with a 12db slope, is allowing a fair amount of signal to pass at 160hz and that frequency is in the 'stereo' range. So signals at 160 hz will originate at 2 locations in each channel. Thats OK if your subs are right next to/below the main speakers as it will blend and sound like one source, but if your purpose in using subs is to smooth out bass response as well as agument it, you are going to be placing your subs quite a distance from the mains and you are going to get a 160hz signal from two locations. Some folks will not hear the -12db signal as such, many not at all, but it has the potential to muddy up the upper bass/lower mid range and folks with acute listening skills can/will hear it.

The main problem with just keeping it simple, i.e. only using the sub as agumentation, is that it will not relieve the mid/bass driver of the main speaker of its responsibility of producing bass and the mids can get a little stressed when you are playing loud bass heavy music, so in theory at least, you can play your music louder and still keep it clean.

I'd guess that in your case, since NHT has made all of the speakers at least you will not have a sonic integration issue. The would have similar sonic footprints. And, since you can, by making a simple comparison by using Y splitters at either the LFE or Line Outs, you can come to your own conclusions as to which works best for you in your situation.
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Thank you guys very,very much.You guys are great.This has been really helpful.I haven't never tried to wire the 1.5 as satelites.I might try that out this weekend and see how it sounds.THANKS AGAIN!!!!