ADD POWR Sorcer X4

Not quite sure why the previous thread was deleted but I would like to continue the conversation on the ADD POWR Sorcer X4.

Looking inside this unit there is 4 large old fashioned transformers a ADD POWR transformer and a couple of circuit boards. The unit is said to emit a pulse via a algorithm that reconfigures the AC to clean up AC garbage in the line. Additionally, it also emits a signal through the air that allows for the cleaning up of stray EMI/RF. At least that is my understanding.
In use, it allows for the music to play with increased definition along with increased width and depth in the soundstage.

I wrote a review.

Your comments are welcome.


Sorry tried to edit my last post, but too late.

I noticed that the Sorcer has an even greater effect if it has soft footers underneath. So, I am currently using a thick sponge like material underneath instead of the $$$ Stillpoints Ultra footers.

That's why I thought I would also try Geoff springs.

Hi Ozzy

Thanks for posting. I’m interested in what differences Machina Dynamica (Geoff Kait) springs make. Another very good option are perhaps Townshend’s Pods, we are using Max Townshend’s Podiums under the Cube Nenuphar’s speakers with great success.

Even better I believe would be Ingress cup and rollers, a platform of slate and those springs under the slate.

Did you speak to Bill Stierhout ( designer of  the ADD Powr) about how best to install? Any updates on the sound improvements, do things get better over time? Apart from the PPT Omega Mats applied directly to the ADD Powr unit, have you found any other tweaks that are not compatible?

Thanks for your time.


I was wondering since all of those transformers create teenie vibrations, maybe a set of medium DH Labs cones? drain the nasties away. I own a few sets of the Stillpoints Ultra SS and depending upon the weight of the Sorcer, the Ultras may be overkill?

Yeah, I think the springs work pretty good, better than my Stillpoints. They are also just the right size to go over the Sorcer footers.
Talking to Bill has just been through email, I believe he has been out of the country. Just got an email from him today.

So far placing a couple of Uptone LPS 1.2 linear power supplies (that powers my ISO Regen and SOtM) on top of the Sorcer did affect the sound quality. I don’t know if the Sorcer was affected or the power supplies. My guess it was the power supplies because the Sorcer has some huge transformers.



Thanks for posting. The Sorcer probably weighs 45lbs. So the Stillpoints should be within there capability. 
I think something that allows the Sorcer to float, not stabilize, works the best (so far).


I’m a fan of the springs as well. I guess my main point was the word (overkill). Four minis, IMO may work better than three Ultras. The 45lbs is at the very, very low end of the weight limits for the Ultras. I recently bought some DH Labs cones. I'm very impressed.

Whatever It just seems that something that will drain may be the best alternative.  Good luck!

Understood. I have tried some Virbrapods as well. The springs seem to be the best so far.

I have been experimenting with power cords as well.

If I were King of Audiophiledom, my first point of order would be to banish Vibrapods from the earth.
BTW, I use 4 Mini's under both of my Hydras that have other layers of isolation/decoupling by springs.

Thanks for your input (although kinda rough on those ole' Virbrapods) lol.

I have used many other types of footers. But the Sorcer seems to be different. Floating seems to work the best thus far. IMHO.

I'm now using a DIY power cord based on Acoustic BB design. That is; 12 gauge Dueland wire with a slight twist and with Furutech NCF fittings.

To me the lack of shielding in the power cord has improved the performance of the Sorcer. 

Well this post doesn’t seem to be getting much traction but I am highly impressed with this product and I hope some of you get the opportunity to try it. The gent who I sent my demo unit to after I demoed it also bought a Sorcer after trying it.
A true demo with no up front money required to try it is the way to go in my opinion with these fringe type tweaks.

Highly recommended product. It really expands the soundstage and the image depth, width and specificality is dramatic. Bass quality is the best I have heard with my system. The claim to fame of this product is the way it corrects the electrical interference that is within our AC power. A different type of power conditioner if you will.

Hi Ozzy

What differences in SQ did you experience with different power cables? I understand the Sorcer also throws out a field which reduces RF. Have you tried it in different positions and what happened?

Thanks for addressing this thread. I was beginning to think I was talking to myself! LOL!

Anyway, I found that the less shielding in the power cord the better. What a great power conditioner, if it can be called that.

At the moment it is placed in my 6 tier high verticle rack in the middle at about 36" off of the floor.

I am not quite sure exactly what the Sorcer is supposed to do or how it does it, but it does everything good in my audio world as I have described above.

P.S. My video also looks better on this floor level and the upper floors. 
I wonder if my electric bill will go down? 

Another thing that should I add about the Sorcer X4.

I had been playing my Focal Sopra 2's speakers full range via Carver M350 mono blocks and I also have a couple of the JL F-113 subs in the corners that had been crossed over at about 75hz. The subs are used because I have my main speakers well out into the room and I like bass.

Since using the Sorcer I lowered the subs crossover point to 45hz and reduced there volume considerably.


I own both, adding the Sorcer really increased the performance. I think they compliment each other very well. I need multiple outlets for my equipment so I have never tried it without the Niagara.


Was wondering if you are aware of the Kemp Elektroniks MAXiiMUS P16? It seems to be a similar type unit but with a much lower cost/

Yes, I am aware of that unit. It doesn't appear to have much inside it, (electronics wise).


Hey dude, frankly, that's a plus in my book if it works just as well.

So Ozzy, the Sorcer and all your equipment is plugged into the AQ Niagra 7000, is that correct? Thanks.
The Sorcer works through the AC line and it also broadcasts through the room. It uses a algorithm to send a correction pulse through the AC line. At least that's what I understand. It consists of 4 large transformers and a toroidal transformer along with 3 circuit boards with led lights that are suppose to tune the unit frequency.

It looks like the Kemp unit broadcasts through the room and appears to be just crystal designed. I'll see if I can get a unit to try.


No the Sorcer is plugged into the wall but in the same outlet the Niagara is plugged into.

Well, I have been unable to get a Kemp unit to compare to the Sorcer. Oh well, I am very happy with the Sorcer. I wish more of you would try it.

The previous thread was deleted because it was hijacked by Perfect Path Technologies trolls.
I believe that the Sorcer is not even remotely similar to the Kemp Maxiimus.

From what I have gleaned, the Sorcer is pulsing the power line at a low frequency so as to create a "footprint". This signal has enough amplitude so as to move or jiggle the AC wave up and down by a few volts.
The "footprint" signal is passed into the power supplies, and is not filtered, so that it continues to be present on the DC rails of the amp.
This low frequency (and its fourier series) "bump" on the DC will resonate with the audio signal path in the amp. That is to say, low frequencies will get more of the resonant boost, and as the audio input goes higher in frequency, it will get less of a boost by the harmonics of the "footprint."
It so resonating the entire audio signal with this new "bias" or "reference."
This is the primary algorithm of the ADD-Powr approach.

The other method is through low frequency generators that drive small common mode coils used as antennas to "broadcast" and radiate a low frequency field. The idea of the field is to resonate and harmonize, the signals in the system. The fundamental or driving frequency will impart the greatest energy starting at the low frequencies and then scaling up but with a little less energy from the broadcast signal's harmonic series.

I hope that this makes some sense. At any rate, the Sorcer's magic is real! So are the other ADD-Powr products from what I have tried:
Wizard, ElectraClear, and the Symphony Pro.

Thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate that info. It explains a lot.

I would like to add that it is not just the low frequencies that are affected, the entire frequency spectrum is. There is way more air in the soundstage. Depth and width are as deep as I have ever heard, and I have a 85" Samsung in between my speakers! (Although the speakers are 8’+ out in the room).
Pretty impressive to say the least.

I just ordered an ElectraClear to play around with. The x4 is a little steep for me to try but I like that it’s so compatible with everything you got ozzy. There’s a wizard on sale here that has my attention so I wonder how much of the x4 it can come close to.
Was going to say also ozzy I got several Duelund 12g power cables with NCF plugs in my system now to great effect. I’ve made my own since I already had several NCF’s from previous diy cables and now use one from the wall to my CPT 1800 and one for my Melody amp. Still have a couple Cerious Matrix cables in the mix including one to my dac. But for the price the Duelund is really good. 
You're welcome, Ozzy!

Indeed, the entire audio frequency spectrum is affected.
There is going to be some evidence of resonance, albeit very diminished as you scale up to the high frequencies.

And t_ramey: I think that you will be pleasantly surprised what the ElectraClear can do. The effect is cumulative. Methinks that you will be ordering some more!
Received the ElectraClear today and placed it in the outlet where my stereo is plugged in and after just a few hours I’m already liking what I hear. It’s making things much more musical and toe tapping. Trying to see if I can get a Wizard from Bill and maybe get more ElectraClears. 
Post removed 
There is no sence in having 2 competing threads so I will ask Audiogon to delete this thread.