Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?
Any more regarding these speakers? Looking at speakers in their used price range. Any impressions? Positive, negative, complimentary equipment?

I second your thoughts on AZ's customer service. I can't say enough good things about Robert and his son. They are top notch and really take care of their customers. It is very refreshing to see a company (regardless of the industry) looking to build relationships and not just looking for the quick sale. They bonus is they have great products.

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How good are they, For 2 years I used Micro Utopia, about a month ago a I got Adagio JR. They have totally blown me away, the ribbon tweeter is AMAZING, They image better, have way more low level detail, throw out a much better 3-D soundstage. The Bass is tighter and cleaner, and sooo smooth , the music just flows. I cant say enough good about them. They are truly the best deal in high end audio. They retail for 1/2 of the Mirco Utopia BE and Kill them in every area possible. Robert Lee is a master when it comes to speaker design and I have a completely unlimited budget and I cant find anything I like better. They just do everything RIGHT. But a Pair now either the Jr's or the Full Size and you will never ever regret it. They are the most amazing speakers I've ever heard, and I've listened to almost everything out there.

I am sorry that Buda lack the conceptual powers to understand what I said above and like many of my freshmen students has received a poor grounding in English.
I'm sorry for Norm (TBG) everyone. He has an ax to grid from another thread and brought it here.

Unless you have a stormy relationship with your Adagios, the word you want is whether not weather.

Except for the fact that I agree with you on the Adagios, I would be tempted to suggest you are inconsistent in your views. You dismiss the possibility that the Teleportation tweak works but you tried the Adagios even though there is little reason, from your point-of-view that their's is not just a sales pitch to get you to buy them. That all speakers sound the same.
I think Pjl2122 said it best. Synergy. I have run my Adagios (Golden Burl) with a Dared VP-845 (22wpc) and a Cayin TA-30 with a AES DJH preamp and they sing. Not just sing, but SING! It's hard to place my thumb on it. They are just balanced and integrate well with the system. I did notice they are sensitive to changes in the rest of the system. I actually like the fact that I can easily tell weather or not a tweak or tube change is working. The finish is outstanding. I thought I had as good as it gets with my Dali Helicon 400s. The Adagios are simply georgeous. Even my wife loves them. Even though I love my Dalis, I wound up moving the them to the pool room system. I did have a little trouble with 1 tweeter during breakin but one call to my local dealer had Robert and his son repeatedly contacting me until the issue was more than taken care of. The customer service level is outstanding!!!! I have owned Thiels and thought their service was outstanding. Robert is every bit their pier!
Let me tell you guys ,the Adagios sound equally well with Solid State ,My whole system is modified with Bybee purifiers to start things right ,The Adagios Love my Edge G-4amp ,along with the excellent Modwright preamp with the latest mods,and a super tricked out Consonance cdp
and of course with Mr lees Hologram speaker cables ,
and Silver Reference interconnects,through a 609 Furetech line box
and Zen Tsnami power cords ,this System floats through air
it destroys any system I have ever heard at 2x it's reasonable price
as many have been witness to, system Synergy is the answer!
Your making robert very happy connor,i can appreciate your enthusiasom.I am also finding them a really great speaker.With the sim gear,its all pretty much there leaving little to want for.Are they for everybody?Im with you dude there great!very happy with them.
Best value on the diminishing return curve!!! In other words you can get about as good as it gets (maybe some are slightly better here or there) but paying more money seems a real waste in my opinion as these speakers do it all really really well. Very happy with the Adagio!!!
Got em recently and absolutely love them!!!! No flaws. Running with Musical Fidelity KW250S which is a great amp for these speakers. Had looked at many speakers and could not be happier with the Adagio's. Personally I felt they beat out: Dali M5, Vandersteen, B&W, Sonus Faber, Vienna Acoustic, Acoustic Physics, Revel, Magnapan, Theil, and Harbeth which I had considered before selecting the Acoustic Zens. Could not more pleased with performance of these in every aspect!!!
I bought a pair recently after listening to many different brands ranging from $3,500-$25,000 and everytime I play these now I am still just blown away at how clean, natural, quick, and detailed these are while projecting a broad deep stage. We toyed around with cables and speaker wire the other day and that does make a real difference. My set up now is really just about as good as you can get things I think. I'm running the Musical Fidelity KW250S integrated amp with a JPS Kaptavator power cord and crystal speaker cables. I would like to see how all Acoustic Zen power cord and cables sound withthis set up but things right now seem so good it is hard to tamper with. Highly recommend these speakers to anyone considering!!!
I live 20 minutes from the factory and after spending 3 months looking for speakers I read a review of the Zen Adagio and heard some very favorable comments from a dealer who was trying to sell me another brand. Did not know the company was local but after reading many favorable reviews I decided check them out. I had listened to Dali, B&W, Theil, Areial, Magnapan, Revel, and Avalon but all had some flaw be it base, stage, presentation, or value. The Acoustic Zen won on all those catagories as I could not find faault. I bought a pair and am listening to my music more than ever. Playing thru a Musical Fidelity KW250S which is awesome too. Have the JPS Kaptavator power cord and Crystal Cable for speaker cable. The set up is blowing my mind with these Adagio's.

By the way I decided to drive out and check out the shop and I will tell you it is real hands on build. No machines (other than testing equipment), no production lines. The owner Robert and his son Jimmy were really nice and spent some time explaining what makes their speakers so unique. I was very impressed with their knowledge and passion for doing it right. Highly recommend and challenge anyone to find a better value in high end speaker! Go demo and you will buy!!!
To try and shed some light on peoples perceptions of these speakers...[a disclosure-I am a NY based AZ/Adagio dealer].
I have set up several of these, including the pair we had at the HE 07 show last week. The newer version, to my ears, is even better than the prior.. drivers better integrated. The speaker is sensitive to not only toe in, but how tilted back it is set up on the spikes. In other words, I suggest checking with a level, side to side and front to back leveling. I find a slight tilt back, [bubble touching the outer center level marks as opposed to inner center ones]works best, and certainly level side to side adjusting with the spikes height.. This slight uptilt/tilt back, in most applcations will balance the driver focus and get image height locked in. If you listen standing more than sitting, even more tilt back may be to your liking. Toe in will vary from room to room, but moderate toe often works best. If I can be of help, let me know... Most people find the Adagio to create an extremely pleasing musical event.
I wish my wife wanted another pair!i got the red and the matching figured maple is beautifull.Matched split sides,matched fronts.My old man loved them..color and all,couldnt tear him away.He usually discourages me from purchasing gear,everything is over priced to him...go figure.They do come into there own after some burnin(200 + hours).Very content with them.I have been playing music proffesionally for a 35+ years,they just sound natural as can be with jazz.I think robert lee is a genius.
I normally do not recommend a product to anyone but I have to say this is an experience at the price point. I think the fact that my wife wants a second pair for the living room speaks for itself. On a side note they do come into their own in person - the pictures out there do not give credence to their looks - if the red fits your life-style they are as beautiful as they are sweet sounding.
I think the discepency is peoples listening preferences.i have had my adagios for about 3 weeks now(or more)and they are on the warmer side of neutral to my ears.I listen to well recorded ecm jazz..I have many more cds than i listen to.I usually go to a 3to 5 disks to really enjoy the adagios.I have to say that they are a very relaxed natural sounding speaker to my ears and dont find the teeters to be at all peaky and hard.Are they perfect speakers?they are the best i have had in my livingroom so far.
It seems odd how mixed the response is. Most people say they love them, and if they characterise them say that they are slightly on the warm side of neutral, but there are a suspicious number of people who find them to be the exact opposite, and find the ribbon tweeter a bit peaky and hard in places.

Room setup is important to a point, but I haven't come across a speaker that seems to split people in this matter between sharp and soft/smooth. Usually it's 'neutral to me, bright to some people'. I don't really know what to make of the discrepancy...
Mrmitch, sometimes a brand new product receives way too much attention. Then suffers from over-exposure.
I think this may be the case with the Adagios.

They have received a lot of press and were mentioned on every audio forum on the internet.

Besides, AZ delaying the website update, I think that may have been a tactical move. The less information is available on a given product, the more curious people get. No pictures, only very few dealers where you could audition. You know, the more misterious you make it, the better.
If you say 2+2=5 enough times, someone will start believing it.
Just wondering why there are always so many Adagios for sale here if theyre as good as so many say they are. Not knocking them, no axe to grind, just wonder why so many get rid of them as they are fairly new speakers.
I have been puzzled that my kids, 18 & 21 would sit in front of their computers and listen to i-tunes through cheap computer speakers. Although I've had pricier speakers, when the Adagios went in, the kids and wife all mentioned, I have never heard it sound so great. Now they come in on their own and listen to music. It helps that I hooked up an apple airport to my dac so they can run their songs off their hard drives. The Adagios are the first time this has happened. Very involving musical experience.
I live near Acoustic Zen and I was recently at their office where Robert played the Adagios through a Tri 50w tube amp, Hologram speaker cables, Silver Reference ICs, Gargantua power cable. This setup had amazingly clean extension and power (especially considering the amp used). They were playing out back in a very large space, and when we were in the front office rooms with the door open the bottom end sounded absolutely live and clean, about 20 feet away. My brother was initially fooled and thought a live instrument was playing when the system started and he was in front still (he knew that Robert is a musician). The high end was pristine with no hint of glare or harshness from the silver cables. The dynamics are awesome.

Last I looked, both Upscale and Katli had the Adagios for audition. If you decide that you're gonna schlep an hour east of LA to listen at Upscale, you might as well hit Katli on the way back (or vice versa) as these dealers are almost due north/south of each other and make for a more efficient auditioning trip. The 2 visits will allow compaison to different competition. If you do Upscale on the return, you'll also pass Brooks Berdan in Monrovia on the way home (he's due west of Upscale). He has Wilson which may allow you to get a fresh feel for the Sophias vs your Adagio auditioning.

Best of luck on the listening and the CFA.

Merelyok, yeah I know what you mean, geez we have the same combo.

You know what, if Robert could just spec up the cabinet of the Adagio ver.2 (2" MDF + extra bracing anyone?!), that would probably make it nearly perfect. Right now I still think the cabinet is not that DEAD. Ok, I admit I am a extremely anal in this aspect, I like to do kunckle tests and a solid cabinet means as if i am knocking on a cement pillar..heh heh. Actually a lot of more expensive speakers like Dynaudio Contour S5.4 cabinet is not that dead either. However, if Robert specs this up and still maintains the price, it will probably kill a whole lot more speakers. :)
Hi 2100.

Got my modified Almarro 318Bn. Burning both units in now ( The amp and the Adagio.)

Im particularly taken back by the bass this combination provides. It goes fantastically low but is at the same time taut. The ribbon tweeters are something else as well, detailed and airy.

But what really impresses me the most is the ability for the Almarro and Adagio to tackle almost all types of music. I've tried chamber music to large scale orchestra ( Mahler anyone ? ), Hiphop to Electronica ( Think cut chemist / Public enemy / Fourtet ), and some indie and death metal ( Belle & Sebastian, Weezer and some Converge ). Jazz is to DIE for imo. I spinned some Coltrane and Hartman just yesterday ( vinyl! )and Hartman's voice was palpable and so lush. Coltrane's sax just made me want to melt, that rich baritone and tonality of it

However, i do find that the music DOES compress alittle during very loud or intricate passages ( depends on the volume tho. ), but not in an entirely noticable way. I think it clips rather gracefully.

Ultimately, im very very statisfied with the pairing and i couldnt ask for more. S.E.T midrange and intimacy coupled with deep, ballsy S.S type bass and the ability to play almost all types of music..( well unless 16hz organ tones are your kinda thing...) Im a happy camper!
Hello 2100. I have used various lower power tube amps with teh Adagio speakers and like ant similar combination, start to see some compression if trying to push too hard.

The Adagio's are a very good load for tube amps and this is why many people are finding lower power units are working so well for them.

Most of my listening with these speakers right now is with 60 watt P-P 6C33 amps. There are 4 amplifiers used most to audition these speakers for customers, all four are tube. Power ratings are 17 watts EL84, 60 watt KT88, 60 watt 6C33 and 100 watt KT88. All provide a unique presentation but all are also very enjoyable.

Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!
Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!
Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!

Thanks for the suggestion--my focus has been to go in the more high efficiency route and the Mani 2s aren't in that direction.

I have owned Dyns in the past and always have liked them too!

Kiethr, Fred at might have a pair for audition. He is in Chino hills. Closer than Upscale audio. Agree with Audphile1. Sophia's much better than adagios. Adagios has good bass for speaker / mid bass size. I would rate the adagios on neautral but a bit glassy side. Love the AZ cables though.My system is full of them!! Bigger model than adagios, if in work, should be alot better.
Keithr, if you are going to audition some speakers, try to hear Totem speakers. I was really impressed with their Mani-2 Signature model. Monitor speaker that goes down to 29hz(uses Dynaudio drivers) and sounds really much bigger than it is, but the drawback is they like lots of power.

I listened to Adagios many times and find them to be a bit rolled off at the very top. Still dynamic sounding and pretty detailed overall, but not as open and clean as your Wilsons were.
Thought I'd bring up Totems as an option if you liked your Wilson Sophia. I think you will like Totems.
Audphile1- i'm not saying they will. New living circumstances made me sell the Sophias. I'm looking for something smaller and cheaper for awhile.

Tvad- I was going to do that, just taking the CFA tomorrow so I haven't really started my search. I'm going to take some time and hear a bunch of stuff. I haven't been out to hear speakers in years. I might see if I can go down the AZ factory even as its in SoCal.
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I have heard the druids on a number of occasions, though not against the Adagios. I liked the Zu speakers a lot and was thinking of buying them as well. They are not as neutral, certainly dynamic, but coloured in comparison. The Adagios, I find quite dynamic too, but more refined. They are pretty easy to drive, 89db and flat 6ohm impedence. Rated at 50 to 200watts, tube amps down to 20watts and below seem to handle them pretty well, when I have heard them with tubes.
I agree with Tvad, not warm and cuddly, very neutral, but not in a sterile, HiFi not music way, if you know what I mean. The simile that comes to mind to me, is a clear mountain stream. They are dynamic, neutral right across the soundstage, no colouration I can hear.
To answer the solid state question, my tube amp is still in Italy, for ever, being repaired. I am using a Lavardin IT, very nice, but lacking a little drive at 50watts. I hope to get a Karan K180 soon, that is a match I think will be exceptional
I heard them briefly there as well Tvad....but it was show environment so wasn't paying too much attention and I wasn't in the sweet spot. I know Paul Bolin in the room was raving...on the same music I brought it---Zero 7.

Phil @ Sonic Spirits in NJ says the Adagios are very different from my former Wilson Sophias---which i would define as "detailed, clear and relatively neutral."

Hence my conundrum...i would like to hear them somewhere out in LA. Upscale has them, but that's an hour + drive to Upland with no traffic :) They seem relatively efficient and amplifier flexibility is key to me---care to contrast them with Zu Druids for me? I don't want to create a stir so feel free to email me offline...

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What house sound do the Adagios fall in?

Are the Adagios a warm, sultry type more audiophile type sound or are they detailed and dynamic.


2100, Am I to understand that you are also using the Almarro with another speaker? Say of a 93dB?

I too found that the Almarro changed in a good way when upgrading the caps. Even the little 205A showed a beneficial change (in my opinion) when changing to Teflon caps. I have been using the V-Caps in these amps for some time. More noticable in the 205A was also going with a slightly higher value. This was more dependant on the speakers being paired with the amp.

The Adagio speakers are, in my opinion, and exceptional performer. I do not have much experience with them being driven by solid state but with tube, you are emotionally connected with the music.
It's a matter of taste of course.
To me, Focal 1027 look better (but dont sound as sweet).
And I am an industrial designer...
I don't agree they look %$@, even my wife quite likes them and she was an interior designer. I should say she "quite" likes them, probably just relieved I did'nt buy anything worse.
I heard them today, at the local dealer.
They are amazing!!!
Smooth, fully detailed, strong bass, great stage, pure magic!
On the down side, the mid seems a litle backward. and they look like %$#@...:-)
I certainly am going to audition them at my home.
Currently running Focal 926, which are pure garbage in comparison...
Merelyok, i am using Blackgate NX 4x 220uF in Super E paralleled config as input bypass caps.
Coupling caps i am using 2x 0.22 and 2x 0.33 Mundorf Supremes. If you prefer a slightly warmer sound and not too particular about precise imaging, you may wish to try Auricaps. You can further fine tune the sound with the input 6SL7GT tube. Just remember that the Adagio is on the warm side, so if you are already using Auricaps, avoid stuff like the RCA 6SL7GT.

Response34 - I goggled and found your Bella Extreme 6C33C amp. I cannot wait to see if there are further developments in the SET scene and do 50-60W SET. SET just makes the Adagio sing with such beautiful emotions. :)
Hi 2100,
The 6C33 amps I am currently running were a bit on the warmer side in their original form. They are discontinued ASL KMP60 Fox mono blocs but I am now having the chassis OEM'ed for my by Joseph Lou of ASL. They are now being built in-house here in New York and voiced for a bit more presence and air. I use the SoniCap Platinum Teflon in these along with a rebuilt power supply which also helps to tighten up the bass.

With the Adagio speaker, many have commented they sound like 60 watt 300B's. I am very happy with this combination and when matched with the proper preamp (very linear tube units), the presentation is very well balanced and refined.
Hi 2100,

yep guessed it from your handle.

I am going to change the caps in the 318B. Heard the stock version with the Adagio and it already had oodles of promise.

Frankly, those power tubes on the Almarro are real monsters and the sound that it produces belies the fact that it has *only* 18 watts of power.

The Almarro/Adagio combo is just very musical and warm, but with nice bass slam and control to boot. Something that im looking for. Infact, i prefer the Adagio over the newer Hyperions.
Hi merelyok,

Yup you in SG too? I use the same handle/nick in the local forums (echoloft/Xtremeplace). : ) I guess you'll be getting the same stuff from the same dealer?

Cables....Nothing special, just van den hul CS-122 single run (well the Adagio can't be biwired, so i save here...ha!) and DHLabs Air Matrix w/Eichmann plugs, both silver coated Long Grain copper.

Do change the input bypass and coupling caps in the 318Bn,
you will find that the amp leaps into another league.
Whether or not is it just an improvement or difference depends on your tastes. The Adagio is not exactly very sensitive at 89dB/m/w so for tubes try to go for at least double digit wattage tube amps, esp if your music demands the headroom. The Almarro can be made to match the Adagio and your tastes sonically just by changing the caps, which won't cost much.

Let me know if you have any questions in echoloft, i have a thread on the 318B there.
Hi 2100,

I have feeling you're from Singapore. I am too getting the Alamrro 318Bn to pair with the Adagio.

What cables are u using in your setup?
