Joe, I too would be interested in minimum power requirements. I am looking to match my 22 watt SET with new speakers and am leaning to Daedalus. I like AZ cables and would be interested in the speakers too, if they can be driven by 20 odd SET watts David |
Well I have just finished the audition and I have ordered a pair of the Adagios. I was slightly concerned whether the amplifier power I had available would be enough, moving from 94db Living Voice Avatars, to 89 db. I use a 50 watt SS and 22watt SET. I used my Lavardin and a cheap but good Chinese amp with 18watts in triode which the dealer had and the speakers coped well. The Lavardin volume went from my customary 9 o'clock to 12. playing much louder than I usually listen at. I through Wagner and Mahler at it and the speakers coped excellently. As others have said, good transparency and dynamics, but not at the cost of losing full development of the instruments tonal range. Imaging was good, the soundstage not wide, but it was a very cramped room, about 14 by 14 feet. What more can you ask for, well deeper base I suppose, but tight control of the base that is there is was very evident. A demo drum track was excellent, every drum had its own character, clearly differentiated. Oh and it looks more gorgeous than the photos. So I should be getting the 10th pair to arrive in the UK in a few weeks. Anyone over here wants a listen and is near Oxfordshire, let me know. |
Well My Adagios are in place and even the wife is happy with the Mappa Burr finish, not the base drivers mind you, they are too black(give me strength). They are more than I expected, out of the box they are clean dynamic, excellent soundstage. I can't hear a crossover notch or the slightest colouration. Fast speakers are often tonally deficient in my experience, theses are not, instruments are clearly different. I was expecting a long burn in, if they sound this good out of the box, I can't weight for when they are burned in. An unequivical recommendation then I repeat the earlier offer, anyone in the UK near Oxfordshire wants a listen let me know. They are on dem at the Park inn Heathrow show this weekend I believe, I'm hoping tomorrow. |
A question for you Adagio users, any thoughts on supports? I have a carpet on a suspended wooden floor and have the version of spikes with a blunt rounded end, though of course I can change to true spikes. Has anyone experimented with supports for the speaker, not too obtrusive if possible? Additionally, any thoughts on positioning. Ihave mine about 7ft apart straight down the room with no intowing and about 15 inches from bookshelves behind. I think these speakers are so good, they deserve a bit of effort to get the very best out of them. |
Rja, As far as I know the sub is available, when I bought my Adagios there was some info with it, with a picture. It is called the Allegro, available in the same colours, I believe for $3000. 1000watt amp, 92db sensitivity, Frequency 19 to 100hz+- 3db, H 18", W 29", D 19". Personally, the Adagios have enough base for my needs. |
I would also like some feedback on amps in use on the Adagios. I am currently using the excellent Lavardin IT, but at 50 watts, I am wondering what a good SS integrated with 150+ watts output, might give me. I suspect I will get a better base and control, particularly with orchestral music.I was paricularly looking at the Karan K 180, though I don't expext anyone has used them with the Adagios, there are'nt too many of the Karans around, but any other suggestions? |
Ghasley I don't think anyone is asking for buy, but audition recommendations. There are a vast number of possible amp/speaker combinations, so other peoples experience is a useful starting point. I agree about poor show conditions, but that can be helpful, any room sounding half way decent in a show, must have real potential in ideal conditions |
I don't agree they look %$@, even my wife quite likes them and she was an interior designer. I should say she "quite" likes them, probably just relieved I did'nt buy anything worse. |
I agree with Tvad, not warm and cuddly, very neutral, but not in a sterile, HiFi not music way, if you know what I mean. The simile that comes to mind to me, is a clear mountain stream. They are dynamic, neutral right across the soundstage, no colouration I can hear. To answer the solid state question, my tube amp is still in Italy, for ever, being repaired. I am using a Lavardin IT, very nice, but lacking a little drive at 50watts. I hope to get a Karan K180 soon, that is a match I think will be exceptional |
I have heard the druids on a number of occasions, though not against the Adagios. I liked the Zu speakers a lot and was thinking of buying them as well. They are not as neutral, certainly dynamic, but coloured in comparison. The Adagios, I find quite dynamic too, but more refined. They are pretty easy to drive, 89db and flat 6ohm impedence. Rated at 50 to 200watts, tube amps down to 20watts and below seem to handle them pretty well, when I have heard them with tubes. |