Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?

Showing 11 responses by tbg

Aggielaw, I first heard the Adagios at RMAF driven by the Red Dragons. I went back repeatedly while making only one visit to the Zu room. I had not heard of the RSA Sasons but was going on with your evaluation until you talked about the MacIntosh multi-driver speakers as being better than the Sasons. Wow! I went into the MacIntosh room at CES having learned of them from a dealer in Arizona. I could not leave fast enough! They were loud but just awfully muddy and confused. I suspect the multiple drivers

Your standard for just settling back and toe tapping with the Adagios is my ultimate standard. I should also say that given the comments I am hearing about the Red Dragon mono blocks, they may have been contributing to the sound I heard from the Adagios.
Tvad, I only heard this combo at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I kept going back because the sound was so good. One time I went back and found it had lost its magic. The amps had been changed.

I hope to hear the Red Dragons soon in my system.
In a few month the price on the speakers are going up, but by then there will be others out and awaiting evaluation. My wife said no so the question right now is moot.
It was strange that there were no Adagios at the RMAF, or at least I could find none. What I heard at the Audio Zen suite was a very poor sounding larger speaker. It was so bad I could not stay in the room to ask anything about it.

The Red Dragon room had what I think was their speaker. It too was dreadful.

Last year the Adagios with the Red Dragons were the best sound IMHO. This year I spent no more time in either than I could.
I was twice in the Balanced Power Tech. suite but did not notice any music being played. I was never in the Triode or ModWright suite. I still find it curious that the Adagios were not in the Audio Zen or Red Dragon suites.

I am not in the least denying that they sounded great last year.
I meant Acoustic Zen not Audio Zen. Sorry.

I spent most of my time listening to the new Pioneer speakers, the LSA Model 10s in the Walker suite (which I also heard driven by the Exemplar/LSA components), the Evolution speakers, the Zu suite, the room shared by Wally and Acapella, and the Behold suite. I did seek out the Red Dragon and Acoustic Zen as last year they together had outstanding sound.

I agree that the RMAF is a great show and enjoyed the snow on Saturday.
Adagios at the previous RMAF definitely sounded better on the Red Dragon class D amps than on the tube amp of unknown origin that was later put on them.
Unless you have a stormy relationship with your Adagios, the word you want is whether not weather.

Except for the fact that I agree with you on the Adagios, I would be tempted to suggest you are inconsistent in your views. You dismiss the possibility that the Teleportation tweak works but you tried the Adagios even though there is little reason, from your point-of-view that their's is not just a sales pitch to get you to buy them. That all speakers sound the same.
I am sorry that Buda lack the conceptual powers to understand what I said above and like many of my freshmen students has received a poor grounding in English.