Accuphase E-480 meter flicking

My was running great about a year after voltage conversion, till this morning  after I left it on overnight, the E480 meter start to flicking after playing music just for few mins, and does not make any more sound. I did turn it off, and on, change power cord, speaker cable it still does same thing it play for few mins, the meter start to flicking, and all sound disappear right after. any idea what may cause this issue? 

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Nice! Good to hear. I’m considering buying a E-480 that needs the voltage converted. Good to know the jumper reconfiguration you did was right.

It is more updated, and matched input impedance from high pass filter which my speaker requires to use, that fix the issue.

@imhififan thank you following up with me again!

I switched my another amp in with same set up, and it did show warning message "Overcurrent" so I think it is the input impedance too low. guess I forget to match the dac, and amp after I upgraded my streaming DAC, finally it back to track, and works great again. 


I suspected your E480 voltage conversion was incorrect, can you provide images of the power board (front and back), maybe we can figure it out. 


Thanks following up with me, it still able to power on, and play low volume at 50 but once it goes up to 40, the meter will soon flicking, and stop any sound output. 

Let's see if I understand what is going on. You have an integrated amp that is working intermittently, and the VU power meter is reflecting a power issue. If that is the case, your amp has failed, and you will need to seek service. 

Better have a tech look at it to see if it's a serious problem. I wouldn't use it until then.