Aardvark Ethernet noise isolator

Has anyone tried one of these? Love the name...

I have an Ether Regen which outputs fiber to my Lumin X1.

So, I guess this device would go into the input of the Ether Regen but would its use of fiber out negate the Aardvark advantages? Will I be able to tell if it improves sound quality?

Anyway, I am such a tweaker that I went ahead and ordered one anyway.

Just looking for anyone who may have experience with the device.



Fiber optic definitely sounds better than without it on my set up as well.  I am using an LPS on both FMC’s but not on the router.  @ozzy It will be interesting to see if you hear improved results on your Fiber set up.  

Oh, boy, just received the Aardvark! Came early via Fed Ex.

I'll give it a listen today!


So, after much testing, for me, in my system, with the Ether Regen, I did not hear any benefit with using the Aardvark. As a matter of fact, I thought the bass was diminished. My hat’s off to the seller who allowed me to try it and then grant a refund (-) shipping costs. This seems to be the only way to tell if these types of filters will work well within a system.

Perhaps without the Ether Regen this device would have performed differently.

I sent it back.
