"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"

OK, is there such a thing as "too good to be true"?  They're definitely gorgeously beautifully looking and certainly at least as good looking as any "high-end" speakers!  But look at the price!  Only $374.00!!!  Can you have the cake and eat it too!  There has to be a catch!  Is there a devil lurking somewhere here!  I mean a high-end ScanSpeak woofer is already at least $370.00 in cost.  And that does not take into account a tweeter, and xover inductors, capacitors ... and so on.  And what do you tell people who paid $200K for a Wilson?


Showing 2 responses by big_greg

Not too long ago we had our music club meetup at one of our member's daughter's house.  The system we listened to was a Yamaha receiver with a pair of "Andrew Jones designed" Pioneer SP-FS52 speakers.  They weren't pretty, and they didn't come close to the sound quality of any of the speakers I own, but they were very listenable and surprisingly good at their price point ($129 each, they have since gone up to $149 if you can find them).  I was actually quite surprised how good they sounded, given their price point.

The title of the original post is a quote of a pile of marketing stuff and that kind of hyperbole shouldn't be taken seriously.  I think it's great that there are affordable products out there for beginners or casual listeners.  Up until a few years ago, my main interest was home theater and I've had some pretty cheap speakers from BIC, Sony, etc. that sounded pretty good to me at the time.  I have a different point of reference now and a more critical ear, so I would not be satisfied with those, but I don't see a need to bash affordable speakers or those that listen to them.
@toddnkaya The system I heard them in didn't have a sub, but I have subs in all my audio systems and am sure those speakers would benefit from a sub (or two or three or four!).