A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks

And I realize that there are those that don’t believe in either

Assuming you use a power conditioner and after market power cords, do you feel that the power cord from the power conditioner to the wall might be a limiting or even a negating factor to the performance of the after market power cords that run from the power conditioner to the gear?

The reason I ask is that I was about to embark upon some more experimentation with different power cords and where I plugged them into when I discovered that the aftermarket cords I had purchased before and some recent arrivals are actually a meter shorter than the ones that came with the gear. This doesn’t matter for the amp due to its location, but when I did my last power cord upgrade I ran my CDP and pre into a conditioner so the length for those didn’t matter either, but as I was doing the musical chairs with power cords thing today, I also was intending to run the CDP and pre straight into the wall on separate dedicated circuits, but I found out that I am a tad short on those two.

Which doesn’t preclude me from moving my dedicated circuit outlets up a couple of feet, and I suppose I probably will, but I was curious as to the opinions about the limitations of a power conditioners power cord.


Showing 12 responses by audphile1

I’ll add - if you have dedicated circuits install good quality outlets and go direct sans conditioner. Especially if it’s a 30 year old glorified power strip. That’s how I run my system - direct no power conditioner.

@immatthewj let me simplify this…

Scenario 1 - everything is plugged into the conditioner. In this case the besr power cord should be on the conditioner. Second best power cord should be on the amplifier. Go up the chain from there.
Scenario 2 - all sources are plugged into power conditioner, amp in the wall. In this case you should be using your best cord on the amplifier and second best on the conditioner.
I both cases it would be preferred to use highest possible quality cords on conditioner and amp. What constitutes a best power cord…the one that makes your amplifier sound its best and the one that makes your source components sound their best. Eventually work up to all power cords of equal quality.
What power conditioner are we talking about here?

Cool about audience cords. I really like them especially for the amp. Don’t recall if I ever tried XLO…don’t think I did…

If you’re handy you can probably upgrade the captive cord in that power strip but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. You will need to make a cutout and install IEC connector. Not that big of a deal but still work and money dumped into a 30 year old power strip. Alternative would be this Pangea but I personally never tried it. For $250 or $299 with return policy may be worth a shot. You’ll need a 20A cord or an adapter from Amazon to try with your XLO or Forte. 

Earlier in this thread you mentioned moving the dedicated circuits closer to components. I would say that’s probably your best bet and would allow you to run everything direct. 

We got snowed in last night as well around 4” of snow topped off by freezing rain. Very slippery. I skated around a bit while walking my dog. 

@immatthewj moving the outlets and going direct to wall would be my preference as well. I just installed a second Shunyata SR-Z1 outlet. Got the first one a week ago. Really nice and not very expensive. Consider these when you  work on moving the circuits. Great connection and grip. Solid buy. 

@kennymacc fyi…your AQ Niagara uses transformers and as such it is an active power conditioner. It works on the same principle as a Puritan PSM156 which is a current limiting active power conditioner. May be the high current outlets in the Niagara 3000 bypass the circuit with transformers but the fact that you have transformers already means you are limiting current.
Your best shot at a non current limiting power conditioner is with a passive Shunyata units.
In my experience power conditioner is not a mandatory item. Whether you need or not depends on quality of power in your dwelling and quality of power supplies in your components. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. 

@kennymacc 👍

Digital sources poop noise back into the AC line. A good power conditioner makes sense as it not only cleans up the AC going to your components but also cleans up and reduces the noise going back into the AC line.
Once again the design of component power supplies and the conditioner matters here. In general though, amplifiers are usually better off when run direct without power conditioner while digital is plugged into the conditioner to mitigate noise going back into AC line.
I have two dedicated circuits - one for amp and one for digital. I never had good results with the amp run from the conditioner. All that’s needed is a very good power cord. My Bricasti M3 DAC also sounds best direct to wall. I haven’t tried my Aurender streamer with power conditioner but with its massive overbuilt power supply I doubt it will benefit. Just my experience.

@kennymacc I wasn’t doubting your results. I’m happy you’re content with your power distribution components. I’d be interested in trying the AQ 3000 or similar level conditioner at some point to see if it makes a positive impact. May be some day. But for now I’m good with powering my system directly from outlets. 

There are those who use objective facts, and those who use subjective opinions supported by any number of biases, realized or not.

Bias works both ways buddy. Realize or not. 

Hahaha was just busting your chops 

Curious how the audience cables will sound in your system.