A little vinyl cleaning thing -

I have been cleaning my records with a Nitty Gritty for several years and it works fine for me.  Whenever I play a record, I give it the obligatory wipe with a carbon fiber brush and give the stylus a swipe with LP#9, which has never dislodged a stylus for me BTW. Invariably, at the end of the side, there would be a small amount of dust on the stylus.  Certainly no big deal.  But anyway - recently, for some reason, I decided to take one of those white Last brushes with the felt strip we all have laying around and giving it the slightest spritz with a 1-step cleaning fluid and letting it spin around the record a few times before playing.  I've done this on many records over the past month and at the end of the side, the stylus is absolutely clean.  No dust - nothing.  Just to be clear, I'm spraying the Last brush with the slightest fine mist of cleaner from about 8" away, so it's barely moist.  Almost nothing.  I was using an old Optrix bottle, which has a very fine sprayer. 
Anyway, I just thought I might pass this on. 
might actually still be wet so dust does not really stick on stylus. the sound is best when record is dry and well conditioned. record surface not only have dirt issue but some oxidation through the years. 

for manual cleaning... a good record scrubber or brush, good cleaning fluid . and proper rinsing drying. change your sleeve. no dirt for a long time. just need some brushing before use. 

But vacuum machine with a good liquid  have much more consistent results.

the good liquid is the key.. 
I use a white Last record brush and two or three drops of Last All Purpose Cleaner before each play. A spritz sounds like it would be easier to do than uncapping, applying and recapping.