A little vinyl cleaning thing -

I have been cleaning my records with a Nitty Gritty for several years and it works fine for me.  Whenever I play a record, I give it the obligatory wipe with a carbon fiber brush and give the stylus a swipe with LP#9, which has never dislodged a stylus for me BTW. Invariably, at the end of the side, there would be a small amount of dust on the stylus.  Certainly no big deal.  But anyway - recently, for some reason, I decided to take one of those white Last brushes with the felt strip we all have laying around and giving it the slightest spritz with a 1-step cleaning fluid and letting it spin around the record a few times before playing.  I've done this on many records over the past month and at the end of the side, the stylus is absolutely clean.  No dust - nothing.  Just to be clear, I'm spraying the Last brush with the slightest fine mist of cleaner from about 8" away, so it's barely moist.  Almost nothing.  I was using an old Optrix bottle, which has a very fine sprayer. 
Anyway, I just thought I might pass this on. 

Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

I use a white Last record brush and two or three drops of Last All Purpose Cleaner before each play. A spritz sounds like it would be easier to do than uncapping, applying and recapping.