A cable too perfect?

I recently acquired an Audionet AMP 1 v2 that only accepts RCA single ended connections. Since all my cabling was balanced, I had to start looking for replacements for my Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II's. Of course I could just get an RCA pair of those, as I like the sound, but I thought I would take the opportunity to check out some other options. I also thought I would start on the lower end cost-wise. I had some old Audioquest RCA's laying around and used those to start. And I bought some low cost Acoustic Zen WOW's to tide me over. And then on to Stager Silver Solids, I like these, but I don't think I love them. I also bought some Neotech cable and connectors and I am working on building a set.

But then, my dream cables showed up at a significant bargain, Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper! I was quite excited to add these to my system, and they replaced the Stager silver cables. Well, to say the difference was striking is not sufficient. The level of clarity and detail is amazing, and the soundstage is excellent. At first I thought they were kind of bright, but that is not the case, I think it is just the extreme clarity. A friend came over and he did not think they were bright either.

So, the problem, I don't find them engaging. It is possible the sound is a bit on the lean side. Everything is there, but there does not be a sum to the parts that is the music, yet I think they are absolutely accurate. It is slightly better if I turn it up, but I don't tolerate higher volumes for long, and value a system that sounds good at lower volumes. I prefer a bit of warmth, although I like to term it as a "richer" sound. 

They have only been in place for a few days, so I will give them a bit more time. I know the answer, "try something else", but curious if others have run into such stark contrasts and is this what I can expect at the higher end of the cable world?

Suggestions for alternatives that might suit my needs are welcome, if you have actually tried them, and you believe that cables make a difference.



Please do post your finding once you've got some experience on the Neotech I-3220 sound with the NER connectors. It would be helpful to me as I get further into my builds.

I'm just getting to some of my construction, and I started with speaker and power cables for my DIY projects.....the first speaker cable is showing great promise

Right now I've got the NEI-3001 and NEI 3002, in addition to various RAMM, Furutech, Oyaide, and various other Japanese manufacturers.....I think I went a little manic in my excitement, and went way overboard. I think I bought about 30 bulk cables for speaker, power, and interconnects.

@kennyc "I’m still undecided about getting a cable cooker. Many says improvements. Some cook their cables periodically. "

is cable cooking recipe included with those? LOL

+1 for Cardas Clear interconnects. Very balanced and musical cables

Right now I've got the NEI-3001 and NEI 3002, in addition to various RAMM, Furutech, Oyaide, and various other Japanese manufacturers.....


What are you currently using for amplifier supply (cable and terminations ) ?

DIY enthusiast here as well ...

@gp4jesus +1 - most interconnect issues can be resolved with simple maintenance, incl. de-ox-ing and cleaning contacts, checking cable wires to contact connections, etc..

A general follow up on this topic. I replaced the AZ Absolutes with the Neotech NEMOi-3220 cables that I built. I have had those in the system now for a week or two and find that I prefer them. The sound, while not quite as detailed, is richer and more full bodied. Take note @vthokie83 

Not wanting to toss the AZ's to the curb, I replaced my AZ Matrix Reference II's (XLR) between DAC and Pre, with the Absolutes. This yielded a bit more detail, and kept the flavor of the Neotech's at the end of the chain. I will stick with this for now, it seems like a good combination.

And FWIW, I am now running my system unbalanced and the sky has not fallen. Still like XLR better due to their simple locking features.