

Responses from lorde73

A cable too perfect?
+1 for Cardas Clear interconnects. Very balanced and musical cables Right now I've got the NEI-3001 and NEI 3002, in addition to various RAMM, Furutech, Oyaide, and various other Japanese manufacturers..... @vthokie83  What are you currently ... 
Cardas Clear XLR interconnects
I'm afraid that using 2 different lengts of cables in R and L channels will result in different sound signature on the speakers. It is well known that longer cables sound smooter than short ones.   
Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier
Hi ! I have to disagree ... I was a happy owner of an Accu 470 And then I changed that for an Accu E5000 I have triyed a lot of AC cables, including Jorma Prime and Audioquest Hurricane but I was not convinced to buy them After years of experi... 
Power cords known to produce good bass
Hi ! Bringing the speakers close to eachother will most likely increase the bass Another ideea - try to use Furutech 28/38 on your PC ( most sensitive shall be CD player PC ) I found that Furutech 28/38 has this ability to increase bass and thic... 
If you can diy, then Furutech 14awg S022N. Price for 1m with plugs would be around 110$.Perfect for sources and integrated amps of reasonable current draw. I never had this cable but I have a bigger model, FP-S55N paired with Furutech NCF 48 go... 
Furutech FI-50 NCF (R) vs FI-28 (R) Differences?
@salectric Very interesting ... Have you triyed FI-46 NCF (gold plated) ? Which cables are you using the connectors on? I am using FI-46 NCF on both Furutech TCS31 and Furutech 762 with relatively good results. However, sometimes i wish i have...